Author Topic: [WARNING!]Taggard, don't make him a admin!  (Read 8568 times)

I would gave his ID, but i was banned from Mr. Monopoly's freebuild before i could see his ID, and Mr. Monopoly didn't see it, he left before he could ban him too, so be careful, if you make this guy a admin, he'll ban everyone on your server!

I'll watch out for the dude...

Ya, I was there, he was like, "naes please give me full trust" and "trust me"
Know, what he did? Busted my build so he could build there.

I would gave his ID,
um, I saw it........ er....... BL-ID 11.... something 2?

Mr. Monopoly didn't see it
Mr. Monopoly is an billionaire on a board game... what did you expect?

Mr. Monopoly didn't see it
Mr. Monopoly is an billionaire on a board game... what did you expect?
That joke is not funny...

So what? He hacks passwords or he gets admin an kicks? wow look out for him then lol BL_ID may be 12

No, some idiot was dumb enough to give him admin.

Mr. Monopoly didn't see it
Mr. Monopoly is an billionaire on a board game... what did you expect?
That joke is not funny...
It sounded better in my head.

Don't give people full trust....UNLESS.............. trust them.


Also, if you don't trust them..then why give them admin? *sigh*

i ban people simply for trying to trust me without even saying hi to me first.
and anyone that asks to be admin at all, even more so before they even spawn = life ban

i ban people simply for trying to trust me without even saying hi to me first.
and anyone that asks to be admin at all, even more so before they even spawn = life ban

I do that too. People asking for admin or full trust gets me REALLY angry...