Author Topic: miami bout to win this championship  (Read 1226 times)

I also thought it was funny how on Tuesday's game, the Heat had to basically delay the game so that Lebron could recover and get back in.

real talk though. The better team won. Okc choked.
i think okc could have pulled a win if the game hadn't been delayed and lebron wasn't in

i think okc could have pulled a win if the game hadn't been delayed and lebron wasn't in

OKC lost because they couldn't execute or play defense.

Saw this on another forum...
 Lebron leaving Cleveland to join up with Wadeand Bosh iskindalikeifBillGates had left Microsoft in the early 80s to team up with Steve Jobsand Steve Wozniak to form a tech supercompany instead of creating Microsoft... it might've been an accomplishment still, but it'd bea farlessimpressiveonethan developing his own company like he did..

Did Gatescomplain about not having enough talent around him at Microsoft? Did he try to interview at Apple? no... He might not have had a Wozniak on histeam, but he did have Steve Ballmerand Paul Allen...BillGates carried his team on his shoulders right to success... Lebron bailed on his.

If Lebron wasn't on the Heat, I'd have given OKC a 95% shot at winning the whole thing.

If Lebron wasn't on the Heat, I'd have given OKC a 95% shot at winning the whole thing.
Boston would be in the finals instead of miami