Knife TDM - Peak

Author Topic: Knife TDM - Peak  (Read 542 times)

                                    This is Peak.
Created by Zealot.

wut is pek
Peak is a Knife Team Deathmatch, with the Red Rose Team, and the White Rose Team. Rather then being a generic Knife TDM, it is composed of small chaotic towers.

the people in this thread are ignorant

this build was taken from socrates' bounty hunter. zealot did not make it, don't waste your time crediting him with its creation.
Stress' build is less organized. It is more then less a bunch of duplicated rooms, stacked 2x4 bricks, and a few walkways. The advantage to this however, is that it is bigger. I want mine to be prettier though. Mine has more detail, but is not as big.
This build was, however, inspired by Muffinmix's Hypertower.
Also, this server went up a long time before Bounty Hunter.

the map is too small and White Rose has an advantage over Red Rose due to the fact they that spawn higher up
That's the price you pay for an original map.

nudes pix plz
ok bby u can,

I would also just like to express my hatred to people who allow people to app for admin on a forum.
I don't make someone an administrator because they have a neat wall of text.
I make someone an administrator because I trust them and have seen their work in-game.

Go join Pecon7's Boss Battle's if you want that.

so why is this needed
Because it had more then 30 people online yesterday and I feel it should be discussed.

As much as I want this to slip under everyone's radar, it's not going to.