Author Topic: Permanently banned for cursing?  (Read 19981 times)

every cell has dna. one dna thingamajiggy out of place, and the cell wont survive.

And this was when I lost any and all hope for you to make an intelligent argument.

... why dont you try stating your point more clearly, like a mature individual.
welcome to p 26
ukanhab cookie
 :cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Ahahaha oh wow.

i still stand. (blockland refrence) go on a slate, press and hold the "turn right" key, and shoot spam on the ground. what are the odds you'll even get a stack if 1x1 3 bricks high?
things   tend   torward randomness and disorder.
I'm gonna go and show you just how wrong it is by making a script, when I get back.

why must you put insults after everything you say?
and no, if it were totally random, no. were going in circles here.

stuff  doesnt  just  happen.

I just told you how your spinning theory is faulty. It's like you're blind to anything brown townytical.

The second law presents an insurmountable problem to the concept of a natural, mechanistic process: (1) by which the physical universe could have formed spontaneously from nothing, and (2) by which biological life could have arisen and diversified (also spontaneously) from a non-living, inanimate world.
 quoted from

I wouldn't trust a website that's named and has "Exposing the myth of evolution" as the banner.

Everything is an accident.
i Really think that theres more to the universe than that. no?
how the sun is the perfect distance from the earth not to burn us,
how the moon is on the perfect angle from the sun?
at what point did the rocks and chemicals form "life"?

i Really think that theres more to the universe than that. no?
how the sun is the perfect distance from the earth not to burn us,
how the moon is on the perfect angle from the sun?
at what point did the rocks and chemicals form "life"?

Because the universe is basically a complicated game of chance.

Because the universe is basically a complicated game of chance.
that just happened to end in a way that supports life.

that just happened to end in a way that supports life.


and all of you are just fine with that?

that just happened to end in a way that supports life.

Exactly, unless you're going to argue that a magical immortal wizard created the universe because he was lonely.

and all of you are just fine with that?

We're fine with that, I think you want to glorify our origins though.

Exactly, unless you're going to argue that a magical immortal wizard created the universe because he was lonely.
"magical immortal wizard" VS. "Random explosion in space a really long time ago"
"God with a purpose and plan" VS. "a big coincidence that has no value"

I prefer the latter in both statements.

and all of you are just fine with that?

Yeah, why would we not be? If you are depressed by the fact that life on Earth is an exceptionally rare occurrence that in itself is a great achievement, you have a very distorted idea of what should cause sadness.

"magical immortal wizard" VS. "Random explosion in space a really long time ago"
"God with a purpose and plan" VS. "a big coincidence that has no value"

It has plenty of value. It's an astronomically rare event and we are able to study it and expand knowledge of the universe. If anything, knowing we're all part of some puppetmaster's "plan" is dull.