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Author Topic: Glass' Trench Wars (Official Topic)  (Read 14939 times)

you hate everyone who doesn't have a 100% positive opinion about you?
Hah. Funny but no.

Oh silly me, I forgot that you've heard it before. In fact, many times. Many times, directed at you.
Why is that?
Maybe because you are a narcissist?

Not even close. Im not in love with myself.

Not even close. Im not in love with myself.
You do realize that's the first thing that a person in love with themselves would say, right

You do realize that's the first thing that a person in love with themselves would say, right
You do realize if you were not a moron you would realize that I wasn't.

You do realize if you were not a moron you would realize that I wasn't.

You do realize that you're making yourself look even MORE of a handicap?


You do realize that you're making yourself look even MORE of a handicap?

Oh yes because when the whole community is flaming you its sooo easy to defend yourself.

Oh yes because when the whole community is flaming you its sooo easy to defend yourself.
no one's flaming you.

no one's flaming you.
Ok then the whole community is hating on me. K? Leave me the forget alone you starfishs.

It's almost like he's flaming himself

Ok then the whole community is hating on me. K? Leave me the forget alone you starfishs.
i think you're mistaken, sir. this is the Blockland forums, where "leave me the forget alone" can't happen.

Oh yes because when the whole community is flaming you its sooo easy to defend yourself.

How many times have you said this?

i think you're mistaken, sir. this is the Blockland forums, where "leave me the forget alone" can't happen.

jesus christ glass
no one's flaming you. If we were we would be banned, we're expressing aggravation about the way you run your server. You, for some reason, have interpreted this as a completely personal attack. ergo, thinking that everyone's after you, like we're trying to gain something from attacking you. That is, from my point of view, a bloated sense of self-importance. Narcissism.

  • 1. Im not in love with myself.
  • 2. Not my fault a ton of people like it and you starfishs don't.
  • 3. Don't like it?Alright then. Gtfo.
  • 4. Im not a Child.
I'm going to have a stab in the dark here and say: you either didn't read any of what I said, or you only read the words that you didn't like so that your opinion on me wouldn't leave the already established "starfish hater" stigma you've developed for me.

Also, stop being arrogant. We know that in this position, you're inclined to disagree with everyone. That's understandable. But if you're going to claim you're not being a child, you need to, uh, act like an adult and not throw a hissy fit when people dislike something you do. Emphasis on something you do. As I've said, this is not a blatant personal attack. If it was, everyone would be banned for flaming. The more you throw out the "haters gtfo" statement, the less people will like you as a person and the more they will probably turn this into a (provoked) personal attack.

Do you realize you guys are pissed off at me for having a Popular server? So what if you don't like the way its ran. You're opinion. get over it. You guys are just Pathetic.

Do you realize you guys are pissed off at me for having a Popular server? So what if you don't like the way its ran. You're opinion. get over it. You guys are just Pathetic.
so having a player-count that was edited so it SEEMED like it was popular, and barely has a touch of quality is a good server?

AND your calling us pathetic?


so having a player-count that was edited so it SEEMED like it was popular, and barely has a touch of quality is a good server?

AND your calling us pathetic?

Are you stupid? Just a question.