Author Topic: School Help (Serious)  (Read 310 times)

So, at my school for Grade 8 we have gender-specific classes. I like both of the teachers, but prefer Mr. V over Mr. H. Now some important info:

9 close friends:
Shamus(Spend a lot of time at his house, get rides to/from school with him)
Bradshaw(Been in his class this year, very close)
Andrew(nerd friend BLname-Lando the Climber)
Tyrese(Spend a lot of time with him at Shamus' house, kinda nerdy, kinda sporty)
Hunter(Same as Tyrese)
Bentley(Other nerdy friend)
Jarod(Funny guy, not as close as other friends)
Ryley(Been friends A LONG TIME, since Kindergarten)
Daden (Another nerdy friend, fairly close to, associates with the Shamus' group, and not commonly other nerdy friends)

Mr V: Funny, not as sporty as Mr H, let's kids do stuff other teachers commonly don't
Mr H:Sporty, one of the leaders of the student leadership team (That I'm on), don't know him much

People that were put into each class:
MrV: Bradshaw, Hunter(Considering a transfer), Jarod, Andrew, Bentley
MrH:Daden, Shamus, Tyrese, Ryley, Me

My Gr.7 teacher came and talked to me about getting a transfer to Mr V's class, because she thought I'd conform to his style of teaching more, and would like him as a teacher more because he runs some math contests and I'm a very intelligent, math and science gifted-and interested- person. I'd already been considering getting a transfer, so I'm wondering, what do you guys think I should do?

why are you asking us

why are you asking us

cuz im a nasally 12 yr-ol' that uses online ofurms to get help.

Teachers never gave me the special treatment like this :'(