Author Topic: My dog just died.  (Read 3097 times)

in that image, on the tv
there is a girl with a dog too
my god

Awh ;-;
I hate dog deaths.

Be sure to put her in a garbage bag and bury her 2 feet deep, its what you have to do.

Also ;_;
uh, a garbage bag? Is that what you do with your dead dogs?
Give it a nice burial ceremony, don't throw it in a trash bag and then bury it.

uh, a garbage bag? Is that what you do with your dead dogs?
Give it a nice burial ceremony, don't throw it in a trash bag and then bury it.
otherwise animals get to it and it can smell bad, its a sensible idea.

yea, we got this puppy, and it already knows how to use a potty pad. Its fun to play with :)

Im sorry bro, I hope you are doing fine, my beagle died just 2 days ago. I know how you feel.

My parents want to get a new dog, to keep our other dog max company, he took losing angel pretty hard too. Idk, I personally think its a little early...But it is for max.. What do you all think? New dog so soon, or wait a few more days?
Late response maybe. But get a new dog in a month or two.

You dont want to have a dog pass and then get one right away afterwards. I mean to keep a dog company would be nice but i just wouldn't.

Late response maybe. But get a new dog in a month or two.

You dont want to have a dog pass and then get one right away afterwards. I mean to keep a dog company would be nice but i just wouldn't.
yea, your about a day late. and i agree, but we kept angels favorite chew toy and her collar, and we're gonna hang em up. We're not gonna forget her.


stuff sucks. :C
« Last Edit: July 05, 2012, 01:32:46 PM by ultimamax »

I'm sorry for your loss, and I know that feel.

 Stay strong SuperSlayer. I never got a new dog after mine died  because we thought no dog could replace the dog we had.

does this mean i can b doge now

I love dogs so much, I hate when they die.