Author Topic: [:] Cartoon Faces [:]  (Read 5043 times)

Cartoon Faces

This is my first decal pack. I spent a few hours on this this night so it may not be my best. Feel free to criticize any of my faces. Anyways, please download. There's more faces where that came from, folks. See that shadow in the bottom-right picture? It is an unknown bot with another face, followed by more faces. You will never know what that face will be unless you download. c:

Looks more like Creeper faces :cookie: NOO COOKIE FOR U!!!

From what I can tell it looks like it was drawn in MS Paint.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 09:17:24 PM by Navaro »

From what I can tell it looks like it was drawn in MS Paint.
No. It was drawn in

No. It was drawn in
Put bigger pictures then.

reminds me of salad fingers.

Nice, just that those eyes and noses don't belong in Blockland.

Sorry but this would belong in another game. Anyways, the style is neat, but it just dosn't fit.

They're okay, considering they're from, but I can't see them on here.