Author Topic: I apologize to the REAL Dark_Samus.  (Read 2287 times)

To the real Dark_Samus: I am sorry. Your friend is being an idiot to me and I am not directing insults at you.

To Dark_Samus's friend: Stop it seriously, what's your problem.

To the real Dark_Samus: I am sorry. Your friend is being an idiot to me and I am not directing insults at you.

To Dark_Samus's friend: Stop it seriously, what's your problem.
You started this honestly, please I just want to drop this, can we please?

This sharing an account thing Is getting confusing. Are they to lazy to earn money/make an account?

This sharing an account thing Is getting confusing. Are they to lazy to earn money/make an account?
I changed password so actual Dark cant use this one no more

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 09:07:35 PM by Badspot »

I changed password so actual Dark cant use this one no more

Well gee, what a great friend you are.

I changed password so actual Dark cant use this one no more
well he's gonna befriend you

You started this honestly, please I just want to drop this, can we please?
Saying 'You started it' and then saying 'Can we drop this?' doesn't help.
Double toast.

Well gee, what a great friend you are.
He said its fine, can we drop it now please?

He said its fine, can we drop it now please?
No, your a loving cunt who deserves to be loving eaten alive then shat out and ran over by a truck 50 times and thrown off a cliff, does that answer your question you loving starfish?

Its the actual Samus here and Skele, I am gonna take this to a far far higher level if you dont piss off. >:(

Its the actual Samus here and Skele, I am gonna take this to a far far higher level if you dont piss off. >:(

Stop acting like an internet tough guy.

Is litterally every side in this argument filled with utterly handicapped people?

Stop acting like an internet tough guy.

Is litterally every side in this argument filled with utterly handicapped people?

I respect the real samus, I don't respect the fake one.

Stop acting like an internet tough guy.

Is litterally every side in this argument filled with utterly handicapped people?
Wait. Can't you get banned for being an internet tough guy?

Don't tell me you actually believe this 'sharing an account' bollocks. It's as old as saying 'it was my sibling!' when you've done something wrong and don't want to take responsibility for it.