Author Topic: i need to vent  (Read 6004 times)

Wikipedia isn't invalid.
I don't even see what the drugs have to do with it. You had a page-long argument. We were supposed to be helping the OP.

I didn't have a page long argument. Boltster, Gothboy77, and Stocking did.
Gothboy77 can just read the word weed/marijuana/drugs in a topic and write a whole essay about it.

I didn't have a page long argument. Boltster, Gothboy77, and Stocking did.
Gothboy77 can just read the word weed/marijuana/drugs in a topic and write a whole essay about it.
yeah hes real good at looking stuff up on wikipedia

Well, It doesn't matter if they're drugs or not. They harm the human body.

*Cough Cough* Drugs are drugs. Smoking is smoking. Wikipedia is invalid. Wikipedia can be changed by any human being. Try a valid source.
The "valid sources" are controlled by private interests. No one can see edits. No one has to have a real references. No one can change errors.

Yeah those "valid sources" are really valid...

yeah hes real good at looking stuff up on wikipedia

The first site I used Boltster wasn't satisfied with, so i used wikipedia like he prefered

Drugs and alchahol will do that to you.
anyhoe go to a psychiatrist or something if that is the right ist

have love with animals. its easy and wholesomely satisfying.
Well your avatar is one of the ugliest furries i've ever seen so no

The "valid sources" are controlled by private interests. No one can see edits. No one has to have a real references. No one can change errors.

Yeah those "valid sources" are really valid...
and steam sux cuz im an autistic 15 year old!
~ Kalphiter

and steam sux cuz im an autistic 15 year old!
~ Kalphiter
I love these suck-ups who have no ability to question legitimacy and operation.

Well your avatar is one of the ugliest furries i've ever seen so no
I would rather fap to ponies then to what ever the hell that is.

Do your best to make your mom proud an try not to argue also try harder at school

Pot is only going to damage you if you're stupid
i.e: having schizophrenia and smoking it
being 12
being in a scary enviornment
being a psycho

otherwise it's statistically safer than what most of you do (caffeine)

just dont mix it with other stuff and get stuck in a nightmare state for 4 hours (salvia)
(Unless you got exp :)

just like any other drug you have to study up a bit before you do it, but the thing is most people don't have to because they're in a safer environment and doing it with their friends.

The first site I used Boltster wasn't satisfied with, so i used wikipedia like he prefered
yeah, shame on me for not accepting websites with no links to the information they're sourcing and a complete bias

I admire that you're one of the few who support pot, but I doubt you've ever done it. I think it's liberalism being shined onto you by your parents, no offense.