Author Topic: i need to vent  (Read 6003 times)

LOL goth is prob some little 12 yo who thinks he's super cool for acting drunk and researching weed on wikipedia

hey man gimme a break its 7:05 AM and ive been drinking since 2AM
not rlly feelin any pain at this time
happy 4th ppl!
but this is true
i still like more of a k2 guy myself tho. dnt rlly smoke pot anymore...havent for over a year now; i mean i have maybe 5 or 6 times but mostly i stick to my spice. yea yea people say its bad for you but idc ive smoked it for a year(like 3G's a day) with no problems oh god here i go again ranting about meaningless dumbstuff lol kilser lock plz

You guys are loving stupid he said he smokes pot, he didn't say anything about doing drugs.

If anything I recommend smoking more pot to combat your depression and chronic pain. Marijuana does not have anything to do with why he is feeling this way, it has to do with HIS MOTHER. He feels bad because he respects his mom and doesn't want to see her upset, but at the same time he hates her views on life and has his own opinions on things. This happens between all teens and their parents whether you want to admit it or not.
That's what you potheads always loving say "Smoking weed makes you happier!" "Smoking pot cures autism!" "Smoking pot makes you even more intelligent!" "Fuk da government, there's nothing bad about smoking pot! cigarettes and alcohol are worse!"

Basically, potheads think it's the real life George's Marvellous Medicine.
But the truth is, it does no good to your body aside from stimulating your senses for a short while so you feel like it's making you happy for a few minutes, only for you to crash into depression and demand more of it to keep you stable.
Cry "OMG THAT'S WHAT THE GOVERNMENT TELLS YOU GULLIBLE PEOPLE!!! POT CURES CANCER friend!!!!!" all you want, but I know many potheads and they do hardly anything productive and are uncomfortable to be around, especially after they've just smoked.

I actually have a cousin in the hospital right now because he OD'd and had a grand mal seizure. Now he talks like a handicap and country control his body. Totally worth the high right guys?

I actually have a cousin in the hospital right now because he OD'd and had a grand mal seizure. Now he talks like a handicap and country control his body. Totally worth the high right guys?

lmfao that's hilarious

marijuana is a plant. plants aren't made to be smoked. if you're stupid enough to smoke a plant there's bound to be some side effects.

marijuana is a plant. plants aren't made to be smoked. if you're stupid enough to smoke a plant there's bound to be some side effects.

If you go by this logic, then herbs aren't meant to be used for culinary purposes or in medicine.

ur a forgetin cow u fat peice of stuff get out.
I'm not white-knighting or anything but wow, you do have anger problems.

If you go by this logic, then herbs aren't meant to be used for culinary purposes or in medicine.
no. they weren't.

"Smoking pot cures autism!"

bahahaha i nearly peed myself because of that one

Go vent, it's all yours

Go vent, it's all yours
Ventertainment via treating game addicts as if they were lolcows.

*Cough Cough* Drugs are drugs. Smoking is smoking. Wikipedia is invalid. Wikipedia can be changed by any human being. Try a valid source. It doesn't matter if its a drug or not. It harms the mental and physical well-being of the human structure. Its common science. If your too dumb to see that, then go look it up.

*Cough Cough* Drugs are drugs. Smoking is smoking. Wikipedia is invalid. Wikipedia can be changed by any human being. Try a valid source. It doesn't matter if its a drug or not. It harms the mental and physical well-being of the human structure. Its common science. If your too dumb to see that, then go look it up.
Wikipedia isn't invalid.