Author Topic: blota.beta3 - released  (Read 42772 times)

Please list exactly what you would like in a server browser, so I can incorporate as many ideas as possible into this new design.

I want a million blockland keys to fly out of the screen when I click join on a server.

Remember that one?
Take the good things from that one, like the column to the right of the list with the preview image and search bar, and the more list-like design (which would better allow sorting buttons), and put it into the new one; while keeping the good things about the current server list, like the icons, click to expand, etc.

LAN, connect to ip, instant search, live refresh maybe?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2012, 03:13:40 PM by Ipquarx »

Please list exactly what you would like in a server browser, so I can incorporate as many ideas as possible into this new design.
LAN server browsing, sorting, "instant search".

Trying to get a best of both here:

Yes, the previews don't match in this mockup.

Not finished yet, so I would appreciate some feedback on this attempt. Ta.

The only suggestion I have is don't use a dropdown box for sorting, using well-placed buttons is much more user-friendly.

I actually quite like the sort tabs like that, just quite limited to sort criteria.

Sorting options should be Name/Owner, Locked, Players

I absolutely love the tab idea too, it looks great.

And make sure it's both horizontally and vertically resizable.

Not exactly sure how horizontal resizability will help anyone :s

Not exactly sure how horizontal resizability will help anyone :s

It's all about responsive design!

Just a bit more room for names, other tabs, etc.

It's all about responsive design!
I really can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.

I really can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.

He's just throwing buzzwords around that he's seen on technology blogs - responsive design isn't really applicable here.

He's just throwing buzzwords around that he's seen on technology blogs

Technology blogs? Really, now?

responsive design isn't really applicable here

There's quite a bit of information to display – linearly increasing content size forever just wouldn't cut it.
Waste of space!

How about porting (pun intended) the tab idea to the search-in box
and instead of
Waste of space!
use up that space below the search bar (add those seperation lines if you want) to display some general information, total server/player count? # of results (if there's a search)?