Author Topic: Chideo City  (Read 1533 times)

most of you know about my chideo city project but for those of you who dont heres a breif summary fo the history of chideo:
one day i was bored and thought to my self "hey, wouldnt it be cool to make a city dm?"
so i started making skyscrapers, people helped me by adding things to go inside and makign their own buildings
eventually (7 buildings in and a month later due to lazyness) i got the idea to make a skyscraper macro, so i did
at the point chideo city was about 10 buildings big i decided to make the famous H building.
at this point i thought it would be nice to make the dm a bit more interactive and started making a path from the top of the "Blocko-Corp" building to lead to better weapons to be included in the dm
i stated breaking windows and making catwalks, then all of a sudden everything halted
i went off and did other random things mostly forgetting about chideo city until last month
sence then chideo has had a complete do-over and the Courrier tunnel constructed. recently anti assited in destroying the outer edge buildings and decreasing chideo to half the size it reached at the maximum point

now the obstical course is really turning into a sorta HL2 style dungeon movign thing, and now im considering releasign it as such;
an actual minigame to Blockland. It could turn out, with help of the zombie mod, to be an epic shooter as well
ill need to do some coding to do things such as checkpoints and various monster things for the outlands but in the end this will pay off and will turn out very unique

so now i ask of the blockland community to please tell me what you want in this. epic boss battles? mountian climbing? sky diving?
whatever you would like to see put in chideo city please post here

chideo so far: today was just another work day at the Blocko-Corp Tower until your co-worker fell over looking seriously ill when he rose from behind his cubical he lunged at you as if to kill you, you take a fire extinquisher from the wall (this will be your first weapon) and blast him away with try to run downstairs to tell someone what jsut happened but a mob of people with greenish decaying skin are crowding the lobby and streets. you rush to the roof to find a way to safety and notice unnaturally convenient placed scaffolding close by. after maneuvering around for a to get out of the city anyway you can, you realise that your only way out is through Courrier Tunnel and into the outlands. can you survive this epic journey to find safety? comming soon to a computer near you

Nice! I saw this on your sever and thought it was EPIC! I saved it on account that I couldn't get the obstacle coarse finished without cheating. :( Unfortunatley, I don't have the paint pack that you were using. Thus making my save... horrible looking. Also, I saved it at the wrong time, so it's incomplete in the "outlands". :) I can't wait until the server comes back on!

Good luck with it!

The name Chideo makes me think of Chiodos.  lol

go luck (don't get lazy)

The name Chideo makes me think of Chiodos.  lol

Somehow, after reading this post, I'm hungry, REALLY HUNGERY!

go luck (don't get lazy)
its taken me a few months so far due to lazyness :P