
Which to do?

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Author Topic: Shotgun 2 - Text Adventure - the sequel  (Read 4518 times)

"You guys seriously can't cough up some god damn back-up for me?"

Do the tango all the way there.

"You guys seriously can't cough up some god damn back-up for me?"
"Fine, we'll send Private Dean and Corporal richardichardson."
You three run off to the building. Dean says he can spot 3 tangos upstairs.

3 men with fully loaded guns?
Only one thing to do.
Sneak under them, then pop through the floor boards and shank the heck outa their ankles.

"Corporal richardichardson."


Do any of you guys have snipers?
If so, have him hit them from a distance.

suddenly a nuke falls, as you here it, you remember your name in benjaman m. oleman and you are at london during ww3 and suddenly the usa army is finishing you off with a nuke (because americans like explosions)


suddenly a nuke falls, as you here it, you remember your name in benjaman m. oleman and you are at london during ww3 and suddenly the usa army is finishing you off with a nuke (because americans like explosions)

But then that didn't happen.
Oh well.

suddenly a nuke falls, as you here it, you remember your name in benjaman m. oleman and you are at london during ww3 and suddenly the usa army is finishing you off with a nuke (because americans like explosions)

I swear upon my life if you post another one of these sorts of posts anywhere I will personally tape several bundles of M80s to your ass, kick you off Mount Everest, and detonate the M80s, thus causing an avalanche and ensuring your body is never found.

richardichardson plants a charge on the door, and EXPLOSIONADVAGVSYBFHBF
Tangos shoot at you, 4, to be exact. Dean takes out 1, richardichardson takes out 2, and a bullet from the last tango is about to hit you in the brain.

I'm .5 seconds away from death by tango, eh?

You do a matrix move, and you shoot the enemy. "Hot damn, Souza." Dean says. You three run to the top stairs. 5 enemies are waiting for you. "They got 2 backup." richardichardson says. He's shot in the chest.

Suddenly realize you are the one
Then go straight up Neo on their asses.

Suddenly realize you are the one
Then go straight up Neo on their asses.
Literally go into a guy and explode him.