Author Topic: YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v666  (Read 3261245 times)

I'm just imagining the morning announcements thing for the third one
you would HAVE to have "JOOOOOOOOOOOHN CENAAAAAAAAAA [doot doo doot doooooo]" in the opening at some point every day

I'm just imagining the morning announcements thing for the third one
you would HAVE to have "JOOOOOOOOOOOHN CENAAAAAAAAAA [doot doo doot doooooo]" in the opening at some point every day
I really hope they renamed it to the DJ Annoying Orange School



529 dollars for 2 spinning logs attached to boards

529 dollars for 2 spinning logs attached to boards
there's clearly 2 more logs

it's for maximum autism steamrolling power

there's clearly 2 more logs

it's for maximum autism steamrolling power
OH stuff
still probably cheaper to just make it yourself

OH stuff
still probably cheaper to just make it yourself
yeah but do u want a well done steamrolled autist by a professional machine or a cheap bootleg steamrolled autist???

yeah but do u want a well done steamrolled autist by a professional machine or a cheap bootleg steamrolled autist???

Why not just use a hugbox?
Anyone remember those?

Why not just use a hugbox?
Anyone remember those?
no, wuzzat