Author Topic: YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE v666  (Read 3138728 times)

Apparently some news networks think that this is a more 'cinematic' way of taking an image.

That's like saying 24fps is a cinematic framerate, when in reality you're just too damn lazy to record more frames because it takes more work.
Armchair movie production expert reporting for duty.
No, the reason 24 fps is "cinematic" is because most film cameras shoot in 24 fps. A camera that can do 60fps while retaining the same picture quality is gonna be much more expensive. It has nothing to do with being "too damn lazy to record more frames".

There's also the issue of visual effects, specifically digital effects and digital animation. The more frames of animation there are, the more expensive its gonna be and the more time it's gonna take to draw/render/pose/etc. It's either way more expensive, or it's overall gonna look worse.

That's like saying 24fps is a cinematic framerate
24 fps IS a cinematic framerate because most movies are in this framerate
but cinematic doesn't necessarily mean good

If my PC can render a fake world 60fps at 4k, Why cant a camera record the real world at 60fps 4k, for about the same price?

If my PC can render a fake world 60fps at 4k, Why cant a camera record the real world at 60fps 4k, for about the same price?

[im g][/img]
he just explained this

If my PC can render a fake world 60fps at 4k, Why cant a camera record the real world at 60fps 4k, for about the same price?

it has a lot to do with limitations of film projectors

it's talked about in this video here:
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 08:54:17 PM by otto-san »

I have almost reached my quota for another 4chan ylyl dump.

Here's a webm.

I have almost reached my quota for another 4chan ylyl dump.

Here's a webm.
4chan yes

I have almost reached my quota for another 4chan ylyl dump.

Here's a webm.
this made me wince

If my PC can render a fake world 60fps at 4k, Why cant a camera record the real world at 60fps 4k, for about the same price?

Because it's expensive.

Let's not forget that gameplay is not as graphically intensive as full blown vfx in a movie.

If my PC can render a fake world 60fps at 4k, Why cant a camera record the real world at 60fps 4k, for about the same price?
go watch a soap opera and then come back and tell us if you still want 60fps movies

go watch a soap opera and then come back and tell us if you still want 60fps movies
i'll take 60fps movies when we get cheaper and better film cameras
no frame interpolation allowed

for those cringing to the dog attack webm, be reminded that the guy being attacked is the so-called "dog whisperer" on T.V.

for those cringing to the dog attack webm, be reminded that the guy being attacked is the so-called "dog whisperer" on T.V.
i've been bitten by a dog like that and it's still painful to watch
the person being bitten doesn't really change what's going on