Author Topic: Singing  (Read 2029 times)

Since a voice topic isn't working so hot due to everyone going and screwing each other over, which is fun too,

I dare the person below me to sing something, that I suggest.

Rules are you have to sing the whole song

If you don't know it, you have to search it up and listen.

Record on Vocaroo or whatever..

I'll start by posting a link to something I've already sung - What A Wonderful World


you just made a topic like 15 minutes ago calm the stuff down son

you just made a topic like 15 minutes ago calm the stuff down son
promise dis is the last one, i'll go off and snoop around again.

Please don't sing ever again OP...

+5 for effort and balls

Omg I take back your offer into Jihad. That singing was horrible.

Omg I take back your offer into Jihad. That singing was horrible.
Wasn't considering to join any ways.

besides, I'm only twelve years old. For god sakes, how much can I do?

I enjoy what I do, and that matters to me. Have self confidence and you have life within your clutches.

Well, I'll just present all my other songs I've sung.

I Ran - Flock of Seagulls

Yellow Submarine - The Beatles

The Gypsy Bard - Friendship is Witchcraft

Pinkies Brew - Friendship is Witchcraft

Sweetie Bots Big Race - Friendship is Witchcraft

I've sung more with my mother, Fireflies, I'm Yours, Uptown Girl, The Longest Time

Some I've sung solo, most are locked up on my moms facebook.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 03:23:47 PM by ImperealOfficer »

I'm probably a lot braver than a lot of you. Not saying I am,

but to get things going I'll also sing Bohemian Rhapsody. Just for you guys.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 03:34:53 PM by ImperealOfficer »

when I sing, heaven and earth meet.

Your voice reminds me T3HZ3N0Ns

Just knowing that someone is going to post something absolutely excruciating does not make me want to give this a try.

I'm probably a lot braver than a lot of you. Not saying I am,

how does this make any sense?

at least I have the will to do this on my own accord and follow it through as I feel suit.

Its relaxing to do it for me, even if I'm bad to other peoples ears I'm good in my mothers eyes and my eyes. Self confidence is the key to everything...