Author Topic: Brickmade vehicles  (Read 1342 times)

I've been thinking, and I thought that somone should make a m :cookie: d that allows you to make vehicles out of bricks *WITHOUT* having to shutdown the server or anything, just build them off a plate-with-wheels-and-a-stead type vehicle, then place and plant bricks like normal. When respawned, it would respawn with the bricks still on it, but if another vehicle spawn spawned a the building vehicle, it would be the slate-vehicle thing.
That's all.

[Been wanting it for a long time.]
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 10:53:38 PM by superdupercoolguy »

Should be in suggestions and requests...

This has already been thought through and is deemed impossible without major engine modifications.

(99% sure, anyway...)

In RTB 1.045 there was a vehicle that allowed you to do it. Glitchy as hell, but could be majorly improved, fixed up, and used.

Should be in suggestions and requests...

This has already been thought through and is deemed impossible without major engine modifications.

(99% sure, anyway...)
Been done but super buggy

Been done but super buggy
Where? Is the script up for download?

Where? Is the script up for download?
Made by truce.
Buggy enough that badspot would crap-on it.

pssh, truce releasing things? no.
also port made a version of it.

That is what I'm talking about, like RTB 1.045, it turns the brick into a model that looks like a brick.

I am pretty sure someone WILL make a snake vehicle with this.

I am pretty sure someone WILL make a snake vehicle with this.

People could model one now if they really wanted to.

I'm suprised you can even still post here  :panda:

Made by truce.
Buggy enough that badspot would crap-on it.

Badspot craps on everything anyway