Author Topic: The Underground - A Social Mining Mod  (Read 5231 times)

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The Underground is a project created by Lilboarder, The creator of the Trench Digging mod, with the purpose of creating a mod both social and entertaining.
It has been worked on over the course of years, on and off, and recently Lilboarder came back from the dead and picked up progression of this mod as a summer project. The Underground features a new and original mining system to blockland, and offers more choices in "Home Construction". A big part of the inspiration for this is the underground system from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.
Currently The Underground is in an Alpha Stage, after much work from Lilboarder and his testing guinea pig/Project Manager, Alphadin.
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7/11/12 - Updated to v3a
7/11/12 - Updated to v2a
7/9/12 - Topic created

Code: (v2a --> v3a) [Select]
Gem trails separated from dirt trails
Gem trails added
Spawn added
Code: (v1a --> v2a) [Select]
GUI Updated
Gem Spawning improved
Gem management improved
Added automated help system
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Topic created by Alphadin.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 08:49:35 PM by lilboarder32 »

Fun fact: The base doors run off of teledoor technology

how is it social

how is it social
So a big part of this mod will be the ability to buy and decorate your own base. The social part of this will be showing off your base and going to see others'. Everyone will be participating within one cavern, so bases are going to be scattered all over, and you can check em out.
Will probably add benefits for going into other players' bases. If you go to the "important stuff" link, that shows an older topic where some detailed information about how this works was posted.
Edit: Another big part of the social interaction is the mining itself. Bigger bricks take a lot to mine them, and would be a pain to try by yourself. With a buddy you can mine these a lot quicker to yield more, and also more rare, gems.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2012, 01:25:17 PM by lilboarder32 »

Excellent! Can't wait for the server to be up to try this out. Also, best "social game" idea ever? Yes. Primarily because it's not just repetitive grinding to get better stuff to help you grind faster. Also there's no option to pay real money for game-breaking bonuses, which is always a plus. I'll definitely try to make it tonight.

Should we have high hopes for this?

This looks original and fun.

Good luck!

Excellent! Can't wait for the server to be up to try this out. Also, best "social game" idea ever? Yes. Primarily because it's not just repetitive grinding to get better stuff to help you grind faster. Also there's no option to pay real money for game-breaking bonuses, which is always a plus. I'll definitely try to make it tonight.
Thanks! Ya we don't want players to just stare at a brown wall for an hour, then leave. Our primary goal is to make this as fun and entertaining for all players, so we're always open to suggestions and ideas, because the players are the ones actually playing the mod, so they're the ones who the mod should be catered to, not just something we come up with in our heads.

Should we have high hopes for this?
Well the worst thing would be to go in with really high expectations and then possibly be disappointed. This mod has been worked on for a while, and as the developer I have high hopes for it.

Ah, just read the bit about Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.
That will be very interesting.

I remember you hosting this months ago and showing me about the new room thingys. it was nice.

I remember you hosting this months ago and showing me about the new room thingys. it was nice.
Yep, I had to re-write most of the functionality as it wasn't coded very well. So much of all this is from scratch, besides the build itself. And the new GUI is real nice :D

Ah, just read the bit about Pokemon Diamond/Pearl.
That will be very interesting.
I probably should have added the Diamond/Pearl Part in the OP. Oh well.

I probably should have added the Diamond/Pearl Part in the OP. Oh well.
Just added in the info section.

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No Updates as of 7/9/11, but they should be coming in soon.
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Replace the updates part with this BBC. I messed up on one of the button links