
Why are there more votes on that last poll then there are people who post in this topic?

I dunno
13 (61.9%)
Me neither
8 (38.1%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: [100x70] Cerebrated Chronicles - Who thought a party of 8 was a good idea?  (Read 307057 times)

It seems all of us seem to be hothead so I'm going to change my character's personality.

Hey look guys, here's a SNEAK PEEK of some of the art aspects that I'm working on!

omfg my forgetin god guys a SNEEEAK PEAK !!!!!!

omfg my forgetin god guys a SNEEEAK PEAK !!!!!!

now with twice the pixels

sorry but...

what is a mary sue?

sorry but...

what is a mary sue?
when someone creates a character, typically a self insert, that has no flaws.

Name: Avoturi Iyrc / Ikna's Son
Race: Iknai*
Skills: All Ice Magic, some Shadow Magic, Flash-Stepping
Weapon: (Ice Axe)
Any other sprites:
Side: Neutral-Leaning-Towards-Lawful Good
Backstory: Avoturi Iyrc was one of 4 chiefs of police in Lhes, the largest city in Ikna. After the Revoc (Fire people; Iyrutal's kind) attacked and destroyed his country, he fled from the Ice Wastes (the remains of Ikna[?]) to [Insert city with the shield's name here], where he works as a police officer.
Flaws/Weaknesses: Can be a bit pushy at times (especially in arguments), sometimes seems a bit distant/detatched, and has gone partially insane from the loss of everything he cared about, which can lead to fits of unrestrained screaming and/or crying**.
Strengths: Selfless (would sacrifice himself for innocents/strangers if need be), brave (but not foolishly brave), when he's in a sane state of mind he's very protective/caring.
Physical Aspects: Weakened by shadow, fire or demonic magic, 'uber-charged' by insanity spells ('nice job fixing it, villian'), not as strong as Iyrutival but is capable of doing labor-intensive porcesses.
Theme: The Blizzard

*Pretty much the same as a human, except they are noticably taller and completely resistant to temperatures down to -40 degrees and can tolerate up to -100 degrees before any damage is done to their body.
**Usually triggered by something, eg a memory, an object/person or if he's "the reason you suck"-speeched

Name: Iyrutival Ryiclon / Lord of Death
Race: Human
Skills: All Shadow Magic
Weapon: (Throwing Knife, can extend into a shortsword)
Side: Chaotic Evil
Backstory: The anti-self of Avoturi Iyrc, Iyrutival was a demon given human form by Nenen to lay waste to Ikna in an attempt to eradicate Avoturi. While he partially succeded, Avoturi survived (alibet mentally broken and aggrevated) and Iyrutival now continues his quest, seeking to please his master with Avo's death.
Flaws/Weaknesses: Very arrogant and rude, believes in 'means justify the ends'/doesn't care about people, can be very foolhardy or careless in battle.
Strengths: Impenetrable to mental probing/entering (meaning you can't get inside his head, and nobody's really sure they want to).
Physical Aspects: Strengthened by shadow or fire magic, weakened by holy/blessed magic (light magic sold seperately, unfortunately), physically strong and capable.

Name: Raxii Jjair
Race: Human
Skills: Extreme weapon accuracy, probability/luck control
Weapon: (Machete) (Hunting Rifle)
Side: Neutral, however actively avoids evil or wrong actions
Backstory: Raxii Jjair (pronounced rahhksee geeair) is an expert hunter from the Lush Tropics, hunting large and small game as well as bounty-hunting sentients. Much like Tingles, Raxii also possesses control over luck and probability, being able to alter outcomes to his favor.
Flaws/Weaknesses: Fears anything to do with the number 7, relies mostly on luck rather than actual brute strength, can miss obvious (and sometimes important) things, can be a bit too trusting.
Strengths: Can think/process things very quickly, very good at stratigizing.
Physical Aspects: Great eyesight (like a hawk!), somewhat small (5'6 and fully grown), stronger than average, light on his feet/good at moving.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 09:20:04 AM by Alteration »

Who's Nenen?
The arch enemy of Menen.
He comes from the nightosphere and will haunt his dreams!

Who's Nenen?

If Menen is lawful good and represented by blue, and Nenem is sort-of-lawful evil and represented by purple, I figured that there would be some chaotic evil represented-by-red guy on the far end of the menen scale.

Name: Coronithius
Race: Demon
Manatype: DARK / UNHOLY

Speed DemonCoronithius has extremely high SPEED and AGILITY. This allows him to travel great distances over time, as well as gain an advantage in combat. This skill's effectiveness is halved or even nullified entirely in the presence of HOLY or LIGHT-based opponent, depending on the opponent's power.
Hell ScalesCoronithius's body is covered in demonic scales, hardened by ethereal inferno. These function as a highly effective armor, significantly reducing damage recieved from physical attack. However, damage by LIGHT or HOLY magic, as well as weapons with the BLESSED perk, will deal x1.5 normal damage to Coronithius instead.
A very powerful HOLY spell with armor-reducing properties will nullify this skill for the rest of the battle sequence.

Coronithius "thinks" rather logically, and appears to possess impressive strategic skill, having led hordes of lesser demons in the past. As a stone-cold motherforgeter of a demon, he is impenetrable to mental probing or entry (why would you want to see the inside of a demon's head anyway).

Flaws / Weaknesses:
Coronithius shows very eccentric behaviour, often having a variety of odd and confusing methods to achieve a goal, and sometimes even not doing anything at all. It is assumed he cannot speak; the only sound that ever comes out of Coronithius' mouth is raspy breathing. His Speed Demon trait is severely diminished around entities who are blessed, holy or divine, depending on how powerful his opponents are. A holy knight is his worst nightmare -- a HOLY spell with armor-reducing properties can cut or possibly even nullify the Hell Scales skill.
He is weak to characters who can control DARK or UNHOLY magic, to the point that he can be almost fully controlled.

Physical Aspects
Coronithius is a fit and muscular demon. He moves with impressive grace despite his masculine body shape; he can whittle a tree down into a wooden model of himself in approximately 29 seconds using Salhaeja.

SalhaejaBladed weapon. A razor-sharp blade embedded in Coronithius' skull. It is enchanted with powerful DARK magic.

Faction: Type 3 Lawful Evil

Name: Mocha Irumiin
Age: 17 (human years)
Race: Canine Humanoid
Manatype: FIGHTER

Martial ArtsMocha is highly skilled martial artist, with a broad fighting style that leans towards jiujitsu and judo. This gives a high speed and dexterity boost, as well as a fair strength boost. Mocha can also attempt to disarm an opponent (45% chance; 25% chance against an opponent with the Martial Arts skill), as well as use a variety of throws and kicks.
HunterMocha is an experienced hunter and forager. x2 chance to find edible items or huntable wildlife. Adds +1 unit of damage to each attack. A pretty useless skill.

Mocha is a responsible and level-headed person, built from the ground up by experience as a hunter with a whole village (or what's left of it) relying on him. He rarely holds grudges.

Flaws / Weaknesses
Mocha's psyche has suffered past traumas, and as a result he is shy and doesn't like to talk much, for fear he will make a fool of himself. He tries to avoid groups and crowds. You would almost never see Mocha in a bustling town full of people. Mocha has also been scarred with the loss of his parents as well as half his village; something as simple as a memory can send him into a state of depression, diminishing his usefulness.
Mocha is still physically similar to humans, and will burn/freeze/shock/etc. just as easily. He's covered in fur, so FIRE-based attacks will give him a good scorching.

Physical Aspects:
Mocha has a very feminine look to him, including rather wide hips and a small frame, and even having very soft fur. He is surprisingly very fit, and quite nimble, able to leap into the trees to avoid danger. His body is trained by years of martial arts training, and he is a damn tough puppy, with high endurance to boot.

StaffBlunt weapon. A simple wooden staff. Damage upped by 10% (rounded down). +10% chance to block a brute physical attack. +5% chance to block a bladed physical attack. 10% chance to break (20% against bladed weapons). Costs 2 Wood to make.

Other Sprites:

Some stock stances
(blocking, blocking, blocking/staff jab, high kick)
Faction: Chaotic Neutral

Born and raised in a small village in the mountainous regions, Mocha Irumiin worked most of his life. Constantly picked on by other young villagers for his small stature, Mocha became a very shy person. At the age of six, Mocha was brought to a martial arts master, who he trained with every day for ten years.
At 15, his village was attacked by a band of rogues. His mother and older brother were among those lost, and his father, an archer, disappeared and is still missing to this day. A handful of villagers survived, Mocha being one of them, and the small group is only beginning to rebuild their village; Mocha is one of the only two hunters. He is still as shy as he ever was, but trains vigorously to this day.
there y'go mate

If Menen is lawful good and represented by blue, and Nenem is sort-of-lawful evil and represented by purple, I figured that there would be some chaotic evil represented-by-red guy on the far end of the menen scale.


Uhm. No? That's not how it works.

I haven't even really revealed who/what Nenem truly is. Don't be injecting your stuff into my adventure broski.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2013, 05:44:11 PM by Menen »