
Why are there more votes on that last poll then there are people who post in this topic?

I dunno
13 (61.9%)
Me neither
8 (38.1%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: [100x70] Cerebrated Chronicles - Who thought a party of 8 was a good idea?  (Read 307062 times)

Im continuing regular updates tomorrow. MSPA has been down for a week, so im not waiting anymore

Push buttons on the interface.
check to see if you can repair the model

Soren walks up to the panel and starts pressing buttons. The model doesn't respond. Apparently it was able to project holograms of people on the island, and accurately showed their locations in real time. Sadly, the Holographic Projection Array has been damaged, and cannot be repaired without opening up the entire model and replacing each damaged projector one by one. Soren says that repairing it would be costly considering that each individual projector runs for about 50 bucks and there are around 100 projectors

Ask him how he knows this.

50 gold you mean
The island underwent industrialization while Menen wasn't updating

The island underwent industrialization while Menen wasn't updating
Oh right.

The island underwent industrialization while Menen wasn't updating

Most places use dollars (Like Atheron), but some places use gold coins

You guys should post some more suggestions

You guys should post some more suggestions

Leave and head for next area.

You, Soren and Verton head out of the room. Soren has disabled all of the portals so no one can escape except Verton. You all review the plan; Verton will activate the portal and then Soren will activate his explosive thingy that makes the pressure higher so that the Shield Pyramid overloads and (theoretically) opens a larger portal. You think it will probably blow up before it even gets to that stage. Afterwards, you begin your climb upwards

Around one hundred flights of stairs later, you arrive at the room where the Shield is being held. You meet no resistance while coming up here. Verton was right when he said everyone would be gathered here.

Any last minute preparations?