
Why are there more votes on that last poll then there are people who post in this topic?

I dunno
13 (61.9%)
Me neither
8 (38.1%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Author Topic: [100x70] Cerebrated Chronicles - Who thought a party of 8 was a good idea?  (Read 308578 times)


prepare WAR CRY
war cries are for baby tier
go god tier with your FEAR-INDUCING WAR SCREAM

That would ruin the plan!

That would ruin the plan!
good point
prepare your war whisper instead

good point
prepare your war whisper instead
Ahem. Fear-inducing war whisper

Prepare some stun/snooze grenades

So we should just rush in there shooting the crossbow?

They will still think verton is on there side so verton walks in and says menen and soren are his bodyguards or prisoners or whatever

Prisoners or not, I don't think Soren or Memen are walking in there without causing a riot.

Good thing we aren't walking in.

We are just going up the stairs.

Guess who is comming down with a fever, guys.

Yes it is me. I felt like such crap today that i skipped swim practice and took a 7 hour nap. Woke up just a bit ago.

Updates whenever I suppose.