
Do you think Mr. Hartman should put his game on Steam Greenlight for us to vote on?

No. (Specify)
I'm not sure...

Author Topic: ▓ [BLOCKLAND ON STEAM] Let's get Blockland elected for Steam Greenlight! ▓  (Read 19251 times)

If you want Blockland on Steam, add it as a non Steam game.

If you want Blockland on Steam, add it as a non Steam game.
why the bump?

I dont think this is a good idea, look at this http://www.maximumpc.com/article/gaming/notch_explains_why_minecraft_isnt_steam_echoes_eas_complaints

This is about why Notch didnt put Minecraft on for steam, the same reason could be for here with the add-ons. Badspot would have to change certain rules and things until Valve likes it.
This is what I was trying to tell people but they keep using the excuse that Minecraft is a completely different game, it may be true but one thing is that you build in both games.

Bad idea for the 5th time.

I am all against it because it would attract tons of players, and lots of idiots too. I like our game's small community.

I am all against it because it would attract tons of players, and lots of idiots too. I like our game's small community.
Stop being an ignorant idiot, We need more players. 30 000 isn't nearly enough.

More stupid players? Ban them. Problem loving solved. I can't believe how slowly Blocklanders learn to praise new ideas. We still have idiots who think that "terrens interer bek litin bed!!"!!".

Stop being an ignorant idiot, We need more players. 30 000 isn't nearly enough.

More stupid players? Ban them. Problem loving solved. I can't believe how slowly Blocklanders learn to praise new ideas. We still have idiots who think that "terrens interer bek litin bed!!"!!".
And then we have the mindless Badpressor fanboys.

If you want Blockland on Steam, add it as a non Steam game.
Missed the point entirely.

This is what I was trying to tell people but they keep using the excuse that Minecraft is a completely different game, it may be true but one thing is that you build in both games.

Bad idea for the 5th time.

I am all against it because it would attract tons of players, and lots of idiots too. I like our game's small community.
I give up on you people.

I am all against it because it would attract tons of players, and lots of idiots too. I like our game's small community.
yeah it's not like we have idiots already. i mean if we put it on greenlight think of how many little kids would join and call eachother noobs which we already don't do.