Author Topic: Proof that kids have poor choice in metal music nowadays  (Read 3782 times)

War of Ages - Collapse 560k views

War of Ages - Battle On 232k views


Black Veil Brides - Knives and Pens 14 Million+ views, pretty sure it had more on another upload somewhere

Black Veil Brides - Fallen Angels 12 Million+ Views

>Implying metal in any way constitutes a good taste in music

>Implying opinions that are yours are the right choice

What happend to having our own tastes in music?

What happend to having our own tastes in music?

Son, people abused that privilege for so long that we have to force tastes now, state order.

Also, War of Ages wrote those songs a couple of years before BVB even had songs out.

OP likes screamo stuff, this topic is incorrect.

« Last Edit: July 10, 2012, 01:19:44 PM by Dodger »

screamo sucks lol
the one that pecon posted was somewhat tolerable though

I'm talking about whatever most of the kids listen to nowadays.
and Orchid - I am Nietzche sucks too.
if it weren't for the lyrics, I wouldn't understand that at all

>Implying opinions that are yours are the right choice

I actually like War of Ages and dislike BVB, but people can like whatever they like.  By "forcing" other people's taste diversity is inhibited and we are stuck with similar music.  I can see why people like BVB; they are like a modern Kiss.