Author Topic: What games run at the same level as portal 2?  (Read 875 times)

I've been told in the past that I have a stuffty computer (trueish). I can run games like tf2, portal 2, and supreme commander 2 just fine. However, I don't have a good enough graphics card to start up just cause 2 without a display error. (damn, a lot of '2's in my library)

Anyway, if you hadn't noticed already, the steam summer sale has started AND I WANT TO BUY SOME GODDAMN GAMES THAT GODDAMN WORK, GOD DAMMIT. List any fun games (preferably action) that you've tried or that you know are good that run at about the same graphics requirement as the games listed above.

If they're currently on sale or will be on sale, then that's even better

Edit: And if one of you suggests a great game that I end up buying and and loving I might buy YOU a game
« Last Edit: July 12, 2012, 01:46:57 PM by Treynolds416 »

I can play Just cause 2, and I have a cheap crappy laptop.

I can play Just cause 2, and I have a cheap crappy laptop.
10/10 most helpful input ever

Not much. Read the graphics requirements to figure it out.

Not much. Read the graphics requirements to figure it out.
They say very little about integrated graphics. Also, I'm looking for input on which games people thought were fun to play

You literally can't run most games on integrated graphics.

You literally can't run most games on integrated graphics.
Congratulations, you've figured out why I made this topic

Get a real computer. I don't see the point of this topic if you already know you can't run any games.

I can run games like tf2, portal 2, and supreme commander 2 just fine.
What games run at the same level as portal 2
I don't understand why reading is so difficult for you, but you should probably stop acting like a richard regardless

extrude is a friend that thinks if he can do it, everyone can. just ignore him.

extrude is a friend that thinks if he can do it, everyone can. just ignore him.
You're stupid Extrude is right.

Try anything  made before 2007.

You're stupid Extrude is right.

Try anything  made before 2007.

what if you have not enough money for a computer?

Just so you guys all know, I'm about to finance a car, so that's where my money will be going in the near future. I have plans to build a top-end computer with my dad after that, though

In the meanwhile, I would appreciate it if someone suggested an actual game. Sookuw is the only that has even attempted to answer the question in the OP

What games do you own already, besides the games you posted already.
The sad thing is that's really it for games. I really need to buy new ones. The only game I can't run that's in my library is jc2, everything else is playable, around or above 40 fps.