
What should I do?

Leave it. I don't know how to fix it. Play on Singleplayer and LAN for the rest of your life.
0 (0%)
Try and fix! I want to help find what this is and fix this!
5 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: Help! My server will not work!  (Read 2104 times)

I start up a server on blockland, and I want all my friends to join. Turns out they can't. I don't know. One thing that is wrong, is my ping. Even though my server is up, the ping is --- and I can't get anyone to join. I can't host any servers and I need some help. I can't Port-Forward, because i enabled my UPnP, and my server ran fine on my last computer, with 10 to 15 players. But now, on my new HP, it's messed up, if any of this can help, then yeah.

Actiontec MI424WR (VERIZON)

I can't portforward because of a password glitch, i type one letter and verizon login types about 3 or 5.

Anyone? Please this is REALLY annoying!

have you tried getting to the settings anyway?
it might not be a glitch? that might just be their way of hiding the password better

Yes i have gone to the settings, it is a glitch. Tried all the default passwords, Hard Reset it (Completely reset with pass and everything) and it's not working.

what passwords and usernames have you tried?
for your router, it should be "admin" for the username, and "password" for the password
unless someone's changed it, and if they have, ask them how they got into the settings in the first place

Hard reset, Changes the password to the default.

User: admin
Pass: password

there shouldn't be any other password
are you sure you posted the correct router?

It's another password, that if the people from verizon, the tech team, messed with it it would be "password1"

I'll look at the name one more time...

Actiontec MI424-WR


It's a slim router with the pole-thing, I don't know what it's called... sticking out the top and is put up vertically.

have you tried not entering anything for the second password
It's a slim router with the pole-thing, I don't know what it's called... sticking out the top and is put up vertically.
...an antenna?

Hard reset, Changes the password to the default.

User: admin
Pass: password
err did you just tell us your router password?

Yea my brain is going a bit retarted, lol.

Not the password, it's the default password, you can look it up, My router pass is a bit longer.

err did you just tell us your router password?
there is no harm in sharing your router password with someone unless they live near you and you don't want them using your wifi

there is no harm in sharing your router password with someone unless they live near you and you don't want them using your wifi
err there are other harms. It is pretty much giving anyone who sees it access to his router. Not good

Hey, as long as you don't know my ESSID, it's fine.

That wasn't my router password anyways.