Author Topic: Lord Tony is back... Again  (Read 15577 times)

Meh, I am not sure if I am glad to see Tony back.

well lord tony 1/2 comes before lord tony 2

so this is really an old account actually lol

Meh, I am not sure if I am glad to see Tony back.
Isn't deliberately bumping dramas bannable? I sure hope it is.

I don't think so, but I don't see why you would want to.

Isn't deliberately bumping dramas bannable? I sure hope it is.
Geez, someone is mad.

Why does everyone hate him?

Why does everyone hate him?

He just randomly turns into a huge jerk, especially with his borderline obsessive hate for anything mlp.

Oh well Lord Tony is back.

Huge loving surprise.
Seriously who didn't see this coming ?

He's been back for quite a while.

He just randomly turns into a huge jerk, especially with his borderline obsessive hate for anything mlp.
Maybe he words things wrong and they come off as aggressive, but the MLP detesting is just his opinion. Unless he is screaming/bitching about My little pony I don't think it's worth demonizing him over.

He expressed his opinions just a little bit too far.

He expressed his opinions just a little bit too far.
Same thing can be said about bronies stamping "I AM A BRONY" everywhere they go.

Same thing can be said about bronies stamping "I AM A BRONY" everywhere they go.
It's slightly more acceptable to plaster how much you love something everywhere than how much you hate something others like everywhere.

Same thing can be said about bronies stamping "I AM A BRONY" everywhere they go.
Gotta agree with this,it's really annoying. Just an avatar like what I had is fine imo but when they go around posting pony stuff for no reason or just to spam, it gets annoying fast.