Author Topic: Lord Tony is back... Again  (Read 15568 times)

Same thing can be said about bronies stamping "I AM A BRONY" everywhere they go.
They make themself live life pony.

Their avatar has to contain MLP
Their signature has to contain MLP
Their image macros have to contain MLP
Their videos must contain MLP, even in things not MLP related

It's like a virus that just sticks out of everything they do.

It's slightly more acceptable to plaster how much you love something everywhere than how much you hate something others like everywhere.
Both sides are to blame, if they both shut up about their opinion then there would be nothing to complain about.
They make themself live life pony.

Their avatar has to contain MLP
Their signature has to contain MLP
Their image macros have to contain MLP
Their videos must contain MLP, even in things not MLP related

It's like a virus that just sticks out of everything they do.
I never understood why some bronies feel like it's necessary to do this, I haven't seen any homoloveuals on the forum devote their profile to homoloveuality.

if they like having it as avatar or signature you have nothing to say against it.
like aphtonites said, both sides need to shut up about their opinion because this argument would not exist if they did.

They make themself live life pony.

Their avatar has to contain MLP
Their signature has to contain MLP
Their image macros have to contain MLP
Their videos must contain MLP, even in things not MLP related

It's like a virus that just sticks out of everything they do.
It's what the internet does. Same thing goes for Prequel, Homestuck etc.

You bumped a 20 day old drama.
So...?  Tons of people bump stuff.

It's what the internet does. Same thing goes for Prequel, Homestuck etc.
Yeah, they're equally annoying but that's not the subject at hand right now.

They also don't have more posts than add-ons.

If bronies take over the world, Lord Tony may be our only savior. This is a joke don't take me seriously.

You're only a head.
well it looks like you're a bit

a head.
of yourself there tony.

I'm sorry, it was irresistible.

I haven't seen any homoloveuals on the forum devote their profile to homoloveuality.

I should go do that

here's to another 20 dollars wasted

well it looks like you're a bit
of yourself there tony.

I'm sorry, it was irresistible.

I lol'd

I could devote myself to vore.
The forget is wrong with you?