Author Topic: Lord Tony is back... Again  (Read 15574 times)

Honestly, every person who made an honest attempt to get him banned is a richard.
Technically, he got himself banned. Nowhere in the order regarding him and ponies does not imply that him communicating about them on another forum and posting about it on this forum is not grounds for banishment. Despite having a liking for him, I can conclude that Lord Tony is a loving idiot.

I cant wait for the next Topic: Lord Tony is back again... Again!

.. Heres what I dont get about these forums, you get banned and come back, repeat until you change, and then everyone dives out of their way to try getting you banned again

Lord Tony has been "permabanned" at least 5 times

That should tell you something about what kind of person he is, and why a lot of people don't want him here

I just can't believe people are still buying him keys at this point

Honestly, every person who made an honest attempt to get him banned is a richard.
Right on!!  Tony is such an amazing character that contributes positively to the forum communi- oh forget I can't type that without wanting to kill myself

Lord Tony is back?
Jimmies were left unrustled.

Tony is only a cigarette when he is talking about how much he hates ponies.

At any other time he is pretty normal and cool. But i feel as if he just cant get over the ponies.

And you have to admit it that alot of ponies act like cigarettes too. Shoving it in everyone's faces.

Tony is just hating the blockland bronies based on what the not blockland bronies do.

Most bronies do act like friends but Tony doesn't have to be a richard about it.

At any other time he is pretty normal and cool.
except when he's sperging out about his idiotic views on how he thinks games should be played

Most bronies do act like friends but Tony doesn't have to be a richard about it.

That is true, and im not justifying his behavior.

except when he's sperging out about his idiotic views on how he thinks games should be played

That also is very true (Also when he asks you for Arma 2 over one hundred times)

That is true, and im not justifying his behavior.

I know.