Author Topic: Wayward - A survival rogue-like  (Read 19621 times)

I made a cobblestone tile thinking "oh forget yes, I can make some walls"
nope, it's just cobblestone on the ground

why not keep all of the info centered on the one, official wiki? if you can take the time to edit the unofficial one you can take the time to edit the normal one

jesus richard stone takes forever to mine and i want to make my house inside this mountain

also how do you make it so you dont respawn in a different location every time you go into the game

Holy forget guys look what i found on the ground near a mountain:

found that stuff in a cave.
too bad the zombies got to me before I could.


found out what it was;
An imp.
10 damage D:
« Last Edit: July 25, 2012, 05:07:10 AM by Ayxrion »

What do you do with sharp glass
How do you purificate water in waterskins

What do you do with sharp glass
How do you purificate water in waterskins
sharp glass is like sharp rock, it's for cutting stuff up
you need to make a flask for water purification
to make that you need a clay glass blowing pipe and some refined sand

my status:

my lumberjacking is at 60% :D

How to get meat off of dead stuff?

How to get meat off of dead stuff?
Face dead stuff.
Double click sharp rock or shale.

used shovel on furnace
Furnace is forever gone.

How do I tan leather?

I can get string from getting vines right?

alright I'm convinced that I must make a wall out of furnaces to build a house-ish thing