Author Topic: DMs  (Read 2253 times)

Nobody is interested in DMs anymore. I find it sad.

Discuss DMs and TDMs and which are better.

I'm interested in them.

The only reason no one is interested in them is because they lack real quality and solid game play.

One of my favourite DM/TDM servers is when Bushi hosts his ones. Other than that they are all rather mediocre.

real quality and solid game play
Explain for a stupid head plz

Anyway, after hosting for a bit, I got three different people. First two ragequit cause I went berserk on them and the third was a worthy opponent. We both got bored once nobody else joined.

Oh and Iso I agree about Bushi's, I especially liked the small, closer quarters TDM he did with cars in a town square.

The only reason no one is interested in them is because they lack real quality and solid game play.

One of my favourite DM/TDM servers is when Bushi hosts his ones. Other than that they are all rather mediocre.

And GravityCats.

Whenever I host a DM nobody joins.

Whenever I host a DM nobody joins.
i would

And I remember that my old one with magnums and knives was really popular.
People kept on complaining that the weapons were unbalanced, but they really weren't. It's true that most people are better with guns, but I still got around half of my kills with the knife, and the knife is also a fallback once you run out of ammo. People also complained about the ammo, that's the solution.

I'm a TDM looking for DMs

I'm missing something

I wish more people would host DMs / TDMs with like Wh40k weapons pack instead of stuff like the BF3 pack.

I'm not a too big fan of T+T but I somehow really like the Wh40k weapons as it is mostly balanced and has interesting weapons. Unlike the BF3 pack which has essentially a ton of reskins of the basic 6 guns.

I should try WH40K weapons.
Anyway, I only use the magnum, not really any of the other guns.

I love T/DMs with a passion. But whenever I get on blockland and I search for them I never see any servers up (that actually have people in them)

I flutter around different projects alot. One such one was a dm based on the second zone(The chemical plant) of sonic the hegehog 2 for genesis.

I dont want to give too much away but i'm working on a second project related to the poll.

The real problem with dms these days is that they're all grey and brown warehouses or on the slopes with vehicles and it takes forever to get to each base.
No one makes their tdms look interesting or feature fun weapons.