Author Topic: Broze - stuffposting and post whoring  (Read 7501 times)

also a word of advice, ignore whatever extrude or ? say anything bad about players, they are pretty much known to hold handicapped grudges forever

And I like how you get involved with stuff you're not apart of.

If you post something on a public internet forum, everyone in the world is part of it.

this is not a public internet forum, it costs money tog et in

technically no internet forum is public. all of them are owned privately.

free has nothing to do with being public or not...

You lowered the bar of evoultion with that topic.
i'm a robotic dinosaur. your argument is invalid

You lowered the bar of evoultion with that topic.
Spell evolution right...
The forget does evoultion mean?

technically no internet forum is public. all of them are owned privately.

free has nothing to do with being public or not...
even a forum owned by the government?
such as and

also a word of advice, ignore whatever extrude or ? say anything bad about players, they are pretty much known to hold handicapped grudges forever
So much this

So much this
Why was this bumped, as much as I agree with you.

Why was this bumped, as much as I agree with you.
I didn't bump it?


From his signature. Christ this guy is egotistical.

Show is utterly ridiclious, no life lessons, not only kids watch it, I have friends that are 20-23 that watch this stuff.

Mortifieingly terrible show.
Him trying to provoke the entire brony fandom

Opinion stated.
This post is so loving dismissive, I'm really impressed he's not banned.

You should seen his reaction to being banned from the bluzone
Read from this post onwards