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Author Topic: Making a Blockland Movie, Need Ideas  (Read 707 times)

Yes, so I was with my friend Max (maxlol2 on BL) and he said he loved the map Bedroom. Then I told him that in the new Blockland Update, the terrain maps will be gone. He got sad and told me to make a movie to remind people of the fun maps with terrain.

Yesterday I started working. I did the Bedroom, Kitchen, and Slopes. So now, I need ideas on other maps I could do. Please give me some maps that I could download using RTB, or if not on RTB, give me a link please.

Edit: Got Aviation, Alpines, and Creek.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2012, 08:50:22 AM by K1ng_0f_N0thing »

I don't think this belongs in off topic.

make a movie about how this giant alien space monster comes and attacks you and then you get out and buy a gun from the slate map and come back to the bedroom map and defeat it with guns!!1!!1

Slate will still be in after the update. I need terrain maps

make a movie about how this giant alien space monster comes and attacks you and then you get out and buy a gun from the slate map and come back to the bedroom map and defeat it with guns!!1!!1
Good idea

Use subliminal messaging to get everyone who watches it to take drugs.

make a movie about a rebellion of blockheads who go against the Duke of Blockland, Kompressorson the Third. They have an epic battle and in the end it's a compromise. then at the end advertise war bonds or something

make a movie about a rebellion of blockheads who go against the Duke of Blockland, Kompressorson the Third. They have an epic battle and in the end it's a compromise. then at the end advertise war bonds or something

make a movie about a rebellion of blockheads who go against the Duke of Blockland, Kompressorson the Third. They have an epic battle and in the end it's a compromise. then at the end advertise war bonds or something
First please ideas for the movie I am already making.

First please ideas for the movie I am already making.
have them drive around in a stunt plane visiting all the maps while this song plays

make a slate map movie please?? commemorate slate call it that

Slate will still be in after the update.

no it won't.
all maps will be gone.

all slates will be gone, everything will be gone. there will be one standard map that you can turn into a slate and plate and water map and stuff like that. there will be no slate.