Author Topic: Borderlands 2 is now pre-purchasable through Steam  (Read 1718 times)

>new games have always been ~$60

It must suck that you guys can't afford new games when the come out. Sucks that you wait for sales, christmas, or for the price to drop years later.

Since switching to purely PC gaming a few years ago shortly after discovering Steam, I have rarely paid over $30 for a game. Why waste double the money on a game for the sole purpose of playing it up to 6 months earlier? It's not going anywhere, and I've got plenty of games to play in the meantime.

Because some games aren't on PC.

I don't play those games.

Edit: Portable games being the exception of course, considering I can't always take my computer wherever I go.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2012, 01:30:23 AM by Regulith »

Oh god can't wait.

Just pre ordered.

Too expensive, I'll just wait for christmas.

Definitely buying along with Guild Wars 2 hehehe
preordered that and blands 2 for Xbox years ago

$53.99...jesus christ.

I think I'll wait until Christmas, thanks.

With discount? Seriously?

It's 44,99 €, I own the first one. I don't know if I should...

With discount? Seriously?

$53.99 IS the discounted price. It's only 10% off the original $60 if you own Borderlands 1.

Has nobody in this thread seen new game since like 1980? Games cost $60 new. It's a common fact.

Has nobody in this thread seen new game since like 1980? Games cost $60 new. It's a common fact.

It's been like this for a long time now. I don't get why everyone is saying it's too expensive. Obviously "expensive" is relative to the person and differs between everyone, but $60 is the standard "new game" price.

I want this so bad but I don't have the money :(

Has nobody in this thread seen new game since like 1980? Games cost $60 new. It's a common fact.
It's been like this for a long time now. I don't get why everyone is saying it's too expensive. Obviously "expensive" is relative to the person and differs between everyone, but $60 is the standard "new game" price.

Just because I refuse to pay $60 for a game doesn't mean that base price is a new concept to me, it means I'm a money-saver and I'm not going to pay more for a single game than I paid for a bundle containing every single game Valve has ever made

If you have the $60 to spend at your leisure then go right ahead, but I've reached a point where I've decided I'm simply not paying that much for one game anymore

My child memories consisted of new PC game pricing ranging from $19.95 to $30.00. Reminds me about EA said steam overcharges for games and they go make Origion and charge more for game then they did on Steam.