Author Topic: I'll Make You An Avatar!  (Read 2541 times)

Way to remove trans bro.
I partially forgot to remove the background, and I just decided to leave the background. And besides, it makes it look better. If the person who I made the avatar for doesn't like it, then I will change it.

I want a dope ass avatar!

Trans my current avatar

Make me a dope avatar :3 EDIT: Or put a background on my background
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 04:47:28 PM by Coolpillz »

Can I have a mixture of dolphins and LSD

Crocodiles.lots of them please.

captain haddock drinking whiskey in a bathrobe raising one eyebrow.

make mine associated with a dragon

the guy from captain morgan

A 2x4 brick with "943" scribbled written on it.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 01:37:08 AM by Blocky943 »

creeper riding a minecart. Kinda like alyx vance's but a creeper instead of the fox.

Try to do one for me

i wanna see dis stuff

creeper riding a minecart. Kinda like alyx vance's but a creeper instead of the fox.
Ask Plastiware for one of these. OP didn't (and probably never will) make them.