
Should there be a female character option?

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Author Topic: Hogwarts (Need Builders!)  (Read 12918 times)

I would like to help
First I want to see progress tho

Password is asdf if you want to look at current progress.

Hey d00d, sorry I haven't been on lately. I've been really busy. I'll be back on @saturday.
Also I'm squidward.

Sweet, I'm glad you're back. But I won't be on Saturday so maybe Sunday.

Also, I'd really like to find someone to do complex ceiling and floor design. And if anyone out there would like to start eventing bots, I'll tell you what needs to be done.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 03:42:44 AM by Wesley Williams »

I'll help out sometime, probably later today if the server exists. To be honest I'm not the greatest builder and I don't really want to ruin anything, but I can work on those bots for you if you want. I can do a LOT with them.

I'll help out sometime, probably later today if the server exists. To be honest I'm not the greatest builder and I don't really want to ruin anything, but I can work on those bots for you if you want. I can do a LOT with them.

That would be fantastic. I'm not very adept at eventing bots :P

Harry Potter is dead, seriously, that show was enchanting and extremely well made, but the fact of the matter is that the series just closed, this would have been cool in 2009-2010.

Harry Potter '03-'04 was the best.

Yes, Harry Potter is obvious dead and unwanted, hence the 5 previous pages of people wanting to join the server and/or offering help with the build.


First of all Broze, Harry Potter was not a show, but books movies and games. Second of all, it still has one of the largest fan bases in the world. Look at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter for instance. Lastly, books never die, they live on forever within the hearts of the readers. In any case, people won't need to be a fan of Harry Potter to be a fan of the gaming experience.

I'm currently looking for someone to make simple bricks. I'll post a complete list of the bricks I need in a bit.
Portrait Doors (1x6x6)

1x6x6 print

From the picture below:
1x4x10 (This is the 1x6x10 shown in the picture below)

65 degree inv ramp corner
65 degree ramp 16x, 12x, 8x, 4x, 3x set
65 degree crest 16x, 12x, 8x, 4x, 2x, 1x set
65 degree spike 1x
75 degree inv ramp corner
75 degree ramp 16x, 12x, 8x, 4x, 3x set
75 degree crest 16x, 12x, 8x, 4x, 2x, 1x set
75 degree spike 1x
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 08:18:30 PM by Wesley Williams »

The above will be used mainly for my own reference.

I desperately need a scripter for the gamemode, I want it to be extremely well made, so it is no short term project (although it can be taken up in pieces).
Also, I really need a script for a flying broom item as a flyable bot model. It needs to be able to hover and I'm hoping for a transition for the player mount from sitting to crouching.

Is that actually possible?

Yes it is. It's the only good way to produce the effect I'm looking for.

I posted pictures of the current castle build. The Great Hall extending out from the castle to the south might look rather odd, but in reality is the best design for gameplay. The way they set up the entrance to the Great Hall in the movies was completely impractical and didn't relate to the book's design whatsoever.

The server will be up all week long for those interested in helping. I would really love someone good at using modular terrain to help me out ;)

I've been getting into building with modular terrain. While I'm not that great, I'm sure I could help someone who's skilled at building with it. Keep working, Wesley/Ostinyo. This is a great build, and would be amazing if it were finished.

Recruiting Musicians? What do they have to do?