
Should there be a female character option?

Are you loveist?
Women deserve segregation!

Author Topic: Hogwarts (Need Builders!)  (Read 12910 times)

It won't be like any school RP you've ever seen, I assure you. We're basically simulating exactly what would happen in the books.

Wand's and quiditch stuff are to be made! (snitch and stuff, we have brooms)

Are you kidding? There's no way I'm using those horrible brooms.

I'll help build. I'm pretty sure I was going to help before as well but I never got to.

I'll help build. I'm pretty sure I was going to help before as well but I never got to.

Sweet :D

I have enough helpers now that I may just get a server so that people can build 24/7 over Christmas break. The server will be up in about an hour.

Is the server open now? its 4.20PM central...

Yes it's up, I'm on RTB but I'll be playing from my phone because I'm sick :(

Does anyone want to start on the uniform decals? Should look like this blocko style:

Terrain work this Saturday! Please be there if you're good with modular terrain!
Now that the RTB server is finally fully functioning, feel free to drop by any time when I'm not there and build anything you like. Time to get cranking and finish this thing up before 2013 is out.

For those not yet in the Steam group that would like to be, please tell me your Steam ID.

Yes it's up, I'm on RTB but I'll be playing from my phone because I'm sick :(

Does anyone want to start on the uniform decals? Should look like this blocko style:

theres a pack already on RTB

theres a pack already on RTB

Didn't see that... well then I just need hats, gloves, and boots modeled.

ostinyo let me in his server.

You joined? It is server policy that only people helping in some way should join, otherwise some gameplay and secret areas will be ruined for them. I want to make the Hogwarts experience as best as possible for everyone.

You joined? It is server policy that only people helping in some way should join, otherwise some gameplay and secret areas will be ruined for them. I want to make the Hogwarts experience as best as possible for everyone.
i didn't help. ostinyo showed me all the stuff currently in progress, like king's cross
although i'm planning to be the professor for muggle studies

Oh I remember that. I am Ostinyo, btw.
Also, anyone can become a teacher if they pass the seventh year.

Would anyone like to make the GUI? It does not need scripted functionality and I already have the layout completed. I just don't have enough time in between building and eventing to make it.

Hey, I can help with that.

Alright. I haven't begun, but its just a bunch of VCE to set up quests etc. It will use a lot of zones and gaze events with bots. Also, bricks will need to be evented to be effected by spells.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 06:33:43 PM by Wesley Williams »