Author Topic: Artartart  (Read 1733 times)

true beauty translated into the wonderful game of blockland.

made by the extremely lovey Jetlok and FaceDavid.

:) you're welcome.

holy stuff how does your computer support that

holy stuff how does your computer support that
i got a beauty chip installed
allow it to render any level of magnificence :)

i got a beauty chip installed
allow it to render any level of magnificence :)
plz post card

so I can buy one and molest it every night

What server did you do this at??

its amazing better than davinci gj

art is all by me
don't be fooled by this panzy
you're not funny OP.
ur faec esint funy

was this supposed to make my computer run slow
i must have some sort of super computer
one that can barely run skyrim, but can handle unlimited..
whatever they're called

I don't think it's terribly demanding, guys
I got easily half of those same emitters at once at a steady 20 fps on a laptop with integrated graphics. But since I'm curious, what's your graphics card jet?

the images lagged my laptop