Author Topic: How did you last die? 4.0  (Read 9495 times)

Paula got killed by some ghost, or a walking trash can, I can't remember which.

As for Ness, I think it was some suicidal oak tree.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 05:52:46 PM by Isaac Fox »

Gunned down in battlefield heroes.

Mortal Kombat 4 is hard on the pc.

raped to death on electrk's server
well, technically I got an std that slowly killed me

Forgot to grab Juggernog and was downed by a Zombie :(

typed kill in the console

Shot by redcoats in the bloody battlefield

Killed by a Shadow Shaman illusion.
Curse you Dark Seer you pointy headed forgeter.

Headshot from a sniper while flying towards him from the blast of 8 sticky bombs.

The loving cars in Saints Row 2 are relentless.

Ran off a bridge in arma a couple times to kill myself.

Enemy Knaw had slow on his poison, giving him just enough ground to poison me again.

I still won though.

held a grenade in the car too long.
pshooooo goes niko.