Author Topic: How did you last die? 4.0  (Read 9490 times)

Shoved off of the arena.

(Crazycrypt's Blockland server)

Listening to one of the teachers in my middle school sing a parody of "baby" by JB for a fundraiser called penny wars.

Yes. This is in real life.


Me: "I'm amazed I'm doing so well in this cave; look at all these gems everywhere!!"
Me: "Shame about the lava, but I haven't fallen it and don't plan to"
Friend: "Yeah..."
*My controls lock up and I fall into lava - goodbye loot*


i made some dunce ragequit in battlefield heroes
then i got killed by a gunner

IL-2 Sturmovik 1946, i had to make a crash landing, it was close but i managed to survive and i was cheering but then out of no where a bomber (full-loaded bomber) smashes into the ground next to me and his payload destroyed me

Failed Zerg Rush, so i got forgeted by Thors.

Driving like hell from a large group of triffids, in my pickup. They're pouring in from all directions, I tell you! Anyway, I was going 50 I think and then... MINEFIELD! *pulls handbrake* For the first time in the last 2 and a half in-game days I actually failed to keep control of my vehicle and my wheels locked, then I started skidding over the mines. After about 5 landmine explosions, both of my gas tanks exploded and killed me.


Grenade'd by Aphiltos a lot of times. The record of this happening spammed the chat.

I then ragequitted with the phrase "forget this with a cactus."

my flailing was finally stopped by a goblin archer

shot in black ops I think

incapacitated by witch in a gib fest match

I didn't switch to my secondary, which is always faster than reloading.