Author Topic: How did you last die? 4.0  (Read 9535 times)

rengar did 2.5k damage in under a second

I fountain dove the Sand King as Earthshaker. So worth it.

Went on a destructive romp through the Lautan Lama Desert, wound up picking a fight with a few too many guards while trying to overload a pipeline and got shot dead.

Before that I was on the very same destructive desert romp, when my Razorback blew up with me in it. I failed to see it was on fire, I imagine.

my last death i'm pretty sure i had my soul shattered and i couldnt get to a safe zone before park555's spell completely roostered me up because its extremely OP during night-time and i couldnt regen health at all because i had the photosynthesis passive skill instead of the dark regen skill :(

got pretty forgeted as krobelus. not a fun match.

Got blasted by those real annoying rodian snipers on a street in Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast

(Happy wheels,playing as irresponsible dad),crushing my own son,then blowing up.

My own test subject betrayed me.

(Single Player server in Blockland with bots, I purposely made the bot want me dead)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 08:42:09 PM by ShadowYoshi294 »

Getting butt-raped by a Badass Physco and Raider along with a Bruiser.

Playing Doom64 and got buttraped on the hardest difficulty by those demon things

set up some damn good 4 way traps for some marines in black mesa source

it all went perfect, but I did NOT expect to get flanked by 3 foot troopers one the retreat

3rd: spinfusor
2nd: spinfusor
1st: spinfusor forget spinfusors
died to wukong spin to win

"Right behind you." But not a Spy.

(Reinforcement's Blockland server)

that is a gigantic loving bump
but i dont care, i got mauled by 2 thugs in dead island

"CONTACT LEFT" contact was not a war zombie (hint i was playing warz!) but rather a guy with a sniper rifle. pistol&shotgun vs sniper rifle=sniper rifle guy w/ a new pistol and shotgun