Author Topic: Natural Selection 2 - FPS/RTS Crossover  (Read 1089 times)

Natural Selection 2 is an FPS Shooter RTS in which Human Marines are pitted against the Aliens in a classic RTS situation akin to Starcraft 2. Each team has a commander who gives orders to players, telling them to move to areas and build structures that the commander has layed plans for. The other players all choose a side and get put into a first-person shooter position where they may buy guns that the Commander has researched and fight the aliens. The players are not limited to where they may go but it is wise to follow commander's orders. The commander can influence battles with bonuses such as giving units temporary nano-armor and dropping health packs/weapons. The game runs on their own custom built engine which has great support for modding and has a beautiful dynamic lighting engine.


Natural Selection 2 Coverage - Marines - TotalBiscuit
Natural Selection 2 Coverage - Aliens - TotalBiscuit
Natural Selection 2 Coverage - The Commander - TotalBiscuit

The game is currently in closed beta but you can gain instant access by pre-ordering for $34.95 (Or about £22.50) at
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 01:17:58 PM by Acid »

how do i sign up for beta without preorder
thats the real question here

I've been watching this for a while, I loved the first one and once I get the money, I plan to pre-order this.