Author Topic: Gabe Newell calls Windows 8 a "Catastrophe".  (Read 7209 times)

Windows 8 belongs on a phone.
This.  Should just be called Windows Mobile.

Win9 or whatever the hell they're going to call it will probably be excellent.

If companies get so fed up with windows they start making games for linux that would be so awesome. Linux is over-all a far superior operating system its only flaw is that no one wants to make stuff for it.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 12:18:06 PM by Visage »

So everything arranged in rows and columns is for autistic children, right?
It's a joke, have some humor.

Why do you come into EVERY WINDOWS TOPIC to comment on how Mac/Apple is the best and no one should have anything else?
Just preaching to the non-believers sister.

Why do you come into EVERY WINDOWS TOPIC to comment on how Mac/Apple is the best and no one should have anything else?
He is just an ignorant child who believes one product is better than all the rest for every reason.

Just ignore him.

Just preaching to the non-believers sister.
why the forget would i want OSX when i could get a linux distro and have customizable hardware

Me? All my personal electronics are Apple/being replaced with Apple lol.
How does it feel that Apple drops support for their products every four years and then forces people to buy a new machine or an expensive update. Also thanks for keeping the Asian sweatshop kids working. Meanwhile Windows supported XP for eight years. Also have fun paying for updates that should be free.

How does it feel that Apple drops support for their products every four years and then forces people to buy a new machine or an expensive update. Also thanks for keeping the Asian sweatshop kids working. Meanwhile Windows supported XP for eight years. Also have fun paying for updates that should be free.

Windows is equal if not worse when it comes to shady business practices. Releasing windows vista an OS they knew was bug ridden and broken and charging people over $300 to go back to XP before releasing a fixed vista as a whole new OS called windows 7 to scrape even more free money.

Atleast people with XP weren't forced into buying vista or a new machine(?) when vista came out. It is no lie that Vista was terrible in many peoples opinion. Now Windows 7, that thing is good.

Gabe Newell is such a person to call something a catastrophe...

Gabe Newell is such a person to call something a catastrophe...

Your birth was a catastrophe.

He is just an ignorant child who believes one product is better than all the rest for every reason.
child lol. i'm pretty well informed, have tried all alternatives, settled on apple, spent my own money on it, not like i'm just some spoilt cunt using apple products cos i think it makes me look rich xD XD

How does it feel that Apple drops support for their products every four years and then forces people to buy a new machine or an expensive update. Also thanks for keeping the Asian sweatshop kids working. Meanwhile Windows supported XP for eight years. Also have fun paying for updates that should be free.
they don't force you to do anything, thats some good knowledge you have there, loving idiot

Look rich? More like arragont and stupid.

Look rich? More like arragont and stupid.
Having a Mac makes you arrogant and stupid? Hahahaha how stupid of you!

You know what. It was a mistake to argue with you, no one is going to win. Enjoy your Macronitosh. More PC parts available for me and others.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 01:47:10 PM by Harm94 »