Author Topic: Extreme lag that increased as time went on.  (Read 983 times)

Something happened on my server today that has never happened to me before.  A large lag stream occured that started off small, which i did notice because it never happens, then increased trumendously with either time or increased bricks.

Unfortunately, i started Blockland back up after I quit Blockland to get out of the lag, and forgot that i should have checked the console log.  I'm just wondering if anyone experienced this before.  The only new addons/updates i got were the update to the hatmod that was a little while ago and the update to the cmd funciton event that happened a few days ago.

Cmd events don't cause lag.
Only if you apply the onCmd event to hundreds of thousands of bricks, which I guess you don't...

ok, it happened again, and this time, i have a console log

Sorry for double post, but the lag started happening after i placed a brick, then increased with more bricks.  This was a really weird lag glitch, I couldn't save, when i tried, it stopped at 151, i couldn't quit using the esc menu quit, when i tried, it didn't do anything.

That console.log is so full of errors wtf did you do wrong?

they're just old stuffty addons i never deleted.

I will.

And my server lagged again today, and found out more weirdnesses.

When i'm lagging, no one else is, only me.

When i'm lagging, anybody can build on my bricks, with or without trust.

IT happened again.  This was after not having my computer for two weeks while it was in the shop for a mega virus.  This is not a V21 thing, it happened before.  Please, someone help.

Ive reviewed the console log a bit, and i see that some weird spammingness happenes for the 'ice' texture, or whatever.  Is this true, and how do i fix it if this is the problem?

next time it happens type in trace(1); (or if that doesn't work remove the 1)
That supposedly shows EVERYTHING that's happening in the console. I've been having weird lag (as you can see on the 1st page of help) and I'm assuming it's the hat mod. Since you said it had an update, I'm wondering if that's it.

next time it happens type in trace(1); (or if that doesn't work remove the 1)
That supposedly shows EVERYTHING that's happening in the console. I've been having weird lag (as you can see on the 1st page of help) and I'm assuming it's the hat mod. Since you said it had an update, I'm wondering if that's it.

Any luck so far with disabling hatmod?

Also, mysteroo, the next time you host a server, look for something in the log like:
"unable to locate 'ice' texture

That's what I've arena. Few times.

*** Sending mission load to client: Add-Ons/Map_AdjustablePlate/AP.mis could also be a problem - what the hell is trying to use adj plate?

phase 1: clean up your add-ons folder. move the ones you never use to another folder AT LEAST. you have so many of them.

Add-ons list -
known to be broken:
RustyMunk_HatModPlus: does this wacky positive-feedback-loop thing or something with hatloop(). Disable this.
Brick_PoleAdapters: simply will not enable if you use it in a gamemode due to forcerequiredaddon being used as a check. It's fine if you're using Custom.


Very suspicious code errors:
Tier Tactical packs: I think ammo might have broken, don't know for sure.
  Weapon_Package_ExplosiveC2: You don't have the rocket launcher and this needs it.
Script_eventsPlus (warning bells everywhere and a broken function, blockland may be overreacting)
Gamemode_zombie (outdated gamemode system definitely - looks to have some errors too)
Gamemode_TrenchDigging (outdated gamemode system?)
Gamemode_Slayer (outdated gamemode system?)
Gamemode_Bugs_Mod1 (outdated gamemode system?)

Disable as last resort, these probably aren't doing anything:
AI_[anything (i remember these being insanely glitchy and overused but that's just personal bias)
Brick_6x_Cubes (invalid brick size)
Brick_BaseplatePack (invalid brick size)
Event_Bots (string always evaluates to 0)
Event_MessageBoxOK (may be redundant)
Event_Owner (overwrites onactivate, probably harmless)
Item_Package_Novelty (banana has some odd errors)
Weapon_Flashlight (invalid emitter)
Projectile_Fireworks (sounds won't work right)
Vehicle_Bicycles (broken animation)
Player_FarmAnimals (chicken and rooster have anim errors)
Item_bPods (could not resolve state "ready")