Author Topic: Problems upon problems...  (Read 11131 times)

About 30 minutes ago, our power went out due to heat (something about it straining the transformer), and so I thought "Well I better go check on our chickens" so I walk outside to a terrible odor, I walk over to the cage/coop and 2 were on the ground dead, one was just standing there, so I'm thinking where is the 4th one? Well I looked in the coop and there it was, dead. So now we only has 1 chicken. :(

R.I.P: Itchy, Scratchy and Bob.

bob =D

so what are you gonna do with the dead chickens?

Eat them? No offence or anything, seeing as you might have been attached to them. Did you keep them for the eggs?

poor chicken (if it was so hot they died of heat, then you don't need to cool!) :panda:

Dude, holy hell D:
That is horrible poor chickens

The chickens died in a super crazy bad storm last night, their bodies were ulta disguisting, full of maggots and bugs and covered in mud.

The chickens died in a super crazy bad storm last night, their bodies were ulta disguisting, full of maggots and bugs and covered in mud.

They were decaying? I somehow doubt they died that recently.

you'd be surprised how fast decay can set in with small animals.

Poor chickens :( You should bury them.

Just make sure you bury them deep. If not a stray dog could come along and.... you get the idea.

Poor chickens. I mourn your loss. :(

I can't believe I feel this bad for chickens. Don't forget to take care of the last one, all alone. D: