
fuq de haxr!1!11!

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Author Topic: forget Russia -- Huge ass Virus  (Read 2232 times)

July 28th: Massive forget-over-stuff-fest-Virus was launched traceing back to somewhere in Russia, it gives you all  of the following stuff-fiilled things:
Auto-exit internet

Thanks for loving with us for no reason, Russia, we love the fact that because of our President's false actions you decide to forget over iit's patrions  too.

If you don't  have this bug yet, take action now, or face the wrath of Mother Russia.

Please kill yourself, starfish Virus maker.


So how does one become infected with said virus

Thanks for loving with us for no reason, Russia, we love the fact that because of our President's false actions you decide to forget over iit's patrions  too.
Because simply being located in Russia means you represent the entire country. Flawless logic. Absolutely flawless.

i never was too fond of tapeworms, but free condoms doesn't sound too bad

Downloading something that has it hidden in something? Besides most malware and spyware comes from Asia.

So how does one become infected with said virus
Appearently I am one of the ones to get it early, my dad's friend, who diagnosises viruses for a living, said that 8 days ago a massive cyber attack was released over the internet.

Because simply being located in Russia means you represent the entire country. Flawless logic. Absolutely flawless.
this lol. the russian government isn't releasing viruses to the world..

i'm going to make a call here and say inb4cybertails

Appearently I am one of the ones to get it early, my dad's friend, who diagnosises viruses for a living, said that 8 days ago a massive cyber attack was released over the internet.

You must've downloaded something with the virus in it.

i'm going to make a call here and say inb4cybertails


Nvm, I got it.

Because simply being located in Russia means you represent the entire country. Flawless logic. Absolutely flawless.
Not  all of Russia,  obviously, but this just makes them more infamous.

Way to go there, blaming Russia because one guy who may or may not be Russian who lives in Russia made a pretty nasty virus and you just so happened to get it because you aren't careful on the internet

I only download things that I know for a fact aren't sketchy, and even if I did I have MSE to cover me

yeah fuk russia fuk man lets make them pay by not waching fps rusha for a whole WEEK

yeah fuk russia fuk man lets make them pay by not waching fps rusha for a whole WEEK

yeah fuk russia fuk man lets make them pay by not waching fps rusha for a whole WEEK

oh god plz no :(