Author Topic: Ark - Stealing builds  (Read 5285 times)

When I tell him I hosted it 4 days ago and he probably just saved it and edited it to steal it he says that he got it from a "save pack" or whatever the hell that is.

Then he blocks me.

Most likely he did this purposely.
I have no doubt about it.

Badspot put the saving feature in for a reason.

If you build on a server, you're just letting other people save your build.
If you put in a saving protection, you're just asking to get your hosting revoked.

he stole a build omgz end of the world

you don't have to give someone the "right" to use your build lol

you lose any claim of "right" as soon as you host a server, from there people can do whatever the forget they like
Correct. But this really isn't about ability, now is it?



I care 0% if someone uses my builds while giving full credit to me for building it.

I care 75% if someone uses my build and gives no credit to anyone.

I care 100% if someone uses my build and claims it as his.

Nobot is right to be mad about Ark stealing his build and claiming it. This drama topic is warranted. For those of you who are saying that since players are able to save your build means that it's ok to do and you shouldn't worry about it, you are wrong. It depends on what the player does with the save after he has stolen it. If the guy saves a build, posts it on the forums claiming it as his, and then hosts it giving no credit to any of the original builders, then there is a huge problem.

I have had trouble with a player stealing builds that I made and builds that others have made. He hosted them without giving any credit and claiming some as his own. I drama'd him and he stopped hosting them.

There is a Ark that is my friend and who's had the name before him. He changed it like a week ago. This isn't the Ark that some of you may know.
He's imposter'd others. When I asked for prooth that they built the build, and showed that he imposter's people they kicked me.

I hate Ark so much, he abused his admin powers on me in Pecon7's server to make me instantly die as the boss. LINK HERE

Lol, new to the forums, sorry about that, can someone please tell me if it is possible to delete/edit posts?

Lol, new to the forums, sorry about that, can someone please tell me if it is possible to delete/edit posts?

It's possible to edit posts in most boards, but not in Drama. Also Help.

people should get over this :l