How do you, personally, administrate a server?

Author Topic: How do you, personally, administrate a server?  (Read 1135 times)

I've been admin at a few servers, but I've never quite figured out whether to ban idiots immediately, or to try and (sometimes fruitlessly) help them along.

This thread is meant less to be about my dilemma than it is to see how other Blocklanders run their servers.

You give warnings to the idiots and have a ban system like 1st offense : kick, 2nd : ban for 5 minutes, 3rd : 1 day ban, 4th : Perma, etc. Other than that, when people ask questions, you be the first to answer, etc.

When hosting a challenge do not be a richard and help the people out

warn again
(if chat spam) mute
kick with reason
short ban
long ban

When hosting a challenge do not be a richard and help the people out
You of all people have this experience. :P

Warn them
Kick them
Ban for an hour
Perma ban

I usually ban people from my server if I have bad interactions with them outside the server as-well. So, if I seem them doing something utterly stupid on another server / forums, I write down their ID and ban them later.

warn again
(if chat spam) mute
kick with reason
short ban
long ban
I'm going to follow this.

When hosting a challenge do not be a richard and help the people out
i don't

i usually say i'm building and that's usually true. people should be able to figure out levels for themselves IMO.

i usually kick/ban spammers and people who are being handicapped or if the server has rules and they are being broken i'll use a three strike system.

i'll tolerate idiots but if they get really out of hand i'll usually give them a one minute ban, which is much more effective than a kick.

if they continue to do it i'll just ban them for a half-hour to an hour.

-someone being annoying-
-said person comes back and keeps on being annoying-
-said person comes back and keeps on being annoying after ban-
perma ban

I've never had to ban someone twice, though when I host, my server usally don't get very populated.

perma ban instantly :cookiemonster:

perma ban instantly :cookiemonster:

This is how Badspot administrates his server most of the time.

it depends what they're doing.

kick somone if they're a loving starfish

ban them if you want the last word