Author Topic: V21 bug compilation thread - badspot made one.  (Read 15561 times)


I figured I'd help the guy out and compile all the bugs here.

NOTE: Intel graphics cards do not compile the shaders. This is may be unintended, and may be fixed in the future. However, your game will run worse than normal. Guarantee.

Ephialtes has released an update to repair GUI problems related to RTB.

The crashes at startup are not caused by having an integrated Intel GPU.
Possible fix: launch the game in windowed mode.
3 times confirmed cause: Loading compiled script base/client/ui/allClientGuis.gui

  • Blockland.exe crashes on startup after launcher closes. - this thread is apparently dedicated to complaining about this error: //A cause may have been discovered: Loading compiled script base/client/ui/allClientGuis.gui //A fix may have been discovered:  launch the game in windowed mode by editing your Config/Client/Prefs.cs file.
    [0]Buttons disappear when "Join a Game" is clicked - Solved by Badspot, problem: join game GUI is modified. // Remove your modifications to the GUI. Examples: Server Favorites, Host name separator, etc)
    [0]Due to gamemode permissions it's not possible to complete the tutorial, you get stuck at the point where you have to change the emitter. Wrench the cone on the left.
    [0]Third line of text seems to get cut off in the gamemode selection for me. I've seen other people post ones that were fine so I don't know what's up. This error is caused by a ridiculously small screen. Get a better monitor.
  • No hot chicks This is a fatal error.
    [0]New admin menu is not compatible with old mods. No surprise. Example
    [0]Transparent items and avatar features are rendered behind bricks and the map. They can only be viewed by positioning yourself so the skybox is behind them.
    [0]You cannot simply hold backspace to clear chat anymore, you now have to tap it repeatedly.
    [0]Some users are reporting getting disconnected from multi-player servers with no error message.
    [0]Viewing the ground at a specific angle in third person causes the ground to appear as if it is totally covered in shade. Images: 1 2
    [0]Loading a build causes the load-save menu to screw up (?)
    [0]Admins and Super Admins can be caught by flood protection.
    [0]The shadows off of thin bricks very high in the air extend farther than they would normally. This is probably the most obvious on the default slides build.
    [0]After opening options or server browser window, certain buttons have graphical artifacts in them, such as black lines. - Fixed by restarting.
    [0]Upon hitting apply in the "envGui", it removes the last digit off the right side of the number put into the day-night cycle timer. It has also been reported to have the exact inverse effect, instead replacing the previous value.
    [0]There are absolutely 0 callbacks based on what time of day it is. As a modder, I am very disappointed. In laymans terms, no onDay or onNight events.
    [0]Player lights and lights emitted by bricks do not cause shadows (unconfirmed)
    [0]Bricks with FX effects are invisible behiand transparent objects
    [0]Sometimes bricks that have undulo effect on them get these wavy shadows when looked at from a distance //probably not a bug
    [0]User Jeep and user Mr. Nobody experienced an error where the player light does not actually cast light. Image Both users are using graphics cards classified in the ATI Radeon 4XXX series.
    [0]The bottom of GUITextEditCtrl's cuts off half of the text in the box. This is most pronounced in Return To Blockland Connect chat windows.
    [0]User Lilboarder is using a macintosh computer and has reported multiple possibly mac specific bugs in the post linked.
    [0]User Pecon98 reports graphical errors with the edges of invisible bricks, along with the arrow on teledoors being visible after plant when viewed through transparent objects/bricks. Image

    Please include the following:
  • a picture, if relevant.
  • Console.log - A definite must.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2012, 02:54:29 PM by Lugnut »

Buttons disappear when you click Join A Game.

also when you press a button in the menu GUI all the buttons disapear

I literally posted the same thread at the same time but went ahead and deleted it since I can apparently do that.

  • Due to gamemode permissions it's not possible to complete the tutorial, you get stuck at the point where you have to change the emitter.
  • Third line of text seems to get cut off in the gamemode selection for me. I've seen other people post ones that were fine so I don't know what's up.

there arent hot chicks that we were promised

Buttons disappear when you click Join A Game.
Your server browser gui has been modified.

Admin menu wonkiness:

Everytime I load objects I crash. This has happend four times.

Client_Server causes the Server list not working.

And also the addon that adds a servers button on the menu also causes it.

Apparently it doesn't work for people with intel gpu's. I have to run with my integrated graphics for now so I'm upset :(.

Client_Server causes the Server list not working.

And also the addon that adds a servers button on the menu also causes it.

dunno if anyone said this, but transparent avatar items dont work. they get covered by the map and bricks. You can only see it if you stare at the skybox.