Author Topic: 2012/08/10 - Bugs  (Read 146487 times)


  • Administrator
Can't you just delete the scripts and let the launcher reload them
You can just run the launcher.  The only way people are having these problems is by circumventing the launcher in one way or another.

I get this every time I start a server. The repeated lines worry me. Thought it was worth mentioning.

There is a minor design flaw in the download loop that causes this.  The errors can be safely ignored.

Oh alright. I wasn't sure if you were aware or not, and I was a bit curious. Thank-you!

Planting a brick there before opening a door still opens it regardless.

Is this intentional?

You can place them against walls for the same effect; there just isn't detection for if there's space to open. More like something to add than a bug.

Sending the command to disable painting (client-sided) doesn't seem to be working correctly. Sure it disables painting, but the centerPrint no longer appears. Instead, your player undergoes the activation animation.


  • Administrator
Sending the command to disable painting (client-sided) doesn't seem to be working correctly. Sure it disables painting, but the centerPrint no longer appears. Instead, your player undergoes the activation animation.

This is by design.

This is by design.

I liked when it said "Painting is Disabled".

I liked when it said "Painting is Disabled".
This can be fixed by putting a signal near the paint area that says something about it being disabled.

This can be fixed by putting a signal near the paint area that says something about it being disabled.
How about removing the paint icon and changing the text to "Press E to activate" or something like that.

The paint key could be used as a "use" key if painting is disabled..

I can confirm that the shadow is a problem with the Mac OS because I tested Blockland.exe with Crossover, and everything was fine except the shadows were still the same.

i've had this bug for a while:

on hosting my player's faces are scrambled. by this, i mean when i choose a face (lets say the creep bear face) and confirm, it'll be the red beard face (or something else). in order for me to get around this problem, i have to click the face my player character in the server, rather than the editor..

ah its confusing, heres the log

i've had this bug for a while:

on hosting my player's faces are scrambled. by this, i mean when i choose a face (lets say the creep bear face) and confirm, it'll be the red beard face (or something else). in order for me to get around this problem, i have to click the face my player character in the server, rather than the editor..
This is an issue with the fillcan. There is a fix available in the Add-Ons section.

This is an issue with the fillcan. There is a fix available in the Add-Ons section.

I tried to put out an updated, optimized Fillcan once - but I wanted it to be a community project, so we can make it the best possible, and no one cared enough to give their own input for fixing what I couldn't in my version...

Point being, if the old fillcan can do that, I think we need to arrange a community fix. It is part of that group of Add-Ons most people have.